sundóma (þ) noun *"base-vowel" (sundo + óma), the determinant vowel of a "base" or root (Christopher Tolkien gives the example KAT, which stem has the sundóma A; the stem TALAT has the sundóma repeated; in derivative forms the sundóma might be placed before the first consonant; e.g. ATALAT) (WJ:319)
noun. voice, resonance of the vocal chords, vowel
- ᴺS. û “voice”
Element in
- Q. i carir quettar ómainen “those who form words with voices” ✧ WJ/391
- Q. ómaryo airetári-lírinen “in the song of her voice, holy and queenly” ✧ LotR/0377; RGEO/58
- Q. ómaryo lírinen airetário “in [by means of] her voice’s song, of the holy-queen” ✧ RGEO/59
- Q. lírinen ómo i·aire tário “by the song of the voice of the holy queen” ✧ PE17/076
- Q. lírinen ómo i·aire táríva “by the song of the voice of the holy queen” ✧ PE17/076
- Q. tintilar lirinen ómaryo Airë-tário ✧ PM/364
- Q. ómatailë “vowel lengthening”
- Q. ómataima “vocalic extension”
- Q. ómatehta “vowel-sign”
- Q. óma-tengwë “vowel-sign” ✧ VT39/08; VT39/16
- Q. ómëa “vowel, vowel; [ᴹQ.] voiced”
- ᴺQ. palanóma “phone”
- Q. sundóma “determinant vowel, root-vowel, determinant vowel, root-vowel, [ᴹQ.] vocalic determinant”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ✶óma-syā > ómaryo [ōmasjā] > [ōmazjā] > [ōmazja] > [ōmarja] ✧ PE17/076 √OM > óma [ōma] ✧ PE17/138
voice / vowel
tomba, also tompë, noun "voice / vowel"; the stem TOM is used of sounds "briefer" than the corresponding stem OM (cf. óma). (PE17:138)
ómataina, ómataima see óma.
ómalingwe ?"voice-???" (Narqelion; in Tolkien's later Quenya, óma means "voice" or "vowel" and lingwë means "fish", but at least the latter gloss can hardly be relevant here)
óma noun "voice" (OM), "voice, resonance of the vocal chords" (VT39:16), "voice /vowel" _(PE17:138, where it is said that the root _OM refers to "drawn-out" sounds; contrast tomba, q.v.). With pronominal suffix #ómarya "his/her voice", genitive ómaryo "of his/her voice" (Nam, RGEO:67). Instrumental pl. ómainen "with voices" _(WJ:391). Adj. ómalóra "voiceless" (VT45:28)_. The term óma is closely associated with vowels, see óma-tengwë, ómëa; cf. also the compounds ómataina "vocalic extension", the addition to the base a final vowel identical to the stem-vowel (WJ:371, 417; also called ómataima, VT42:24, 25), ómatehtar "vowel-signs", signs used for vowels (usually called simply tehtar, but the latter term strictly includes all kinds of diacritics, not just the vowel-signs) (WJ:396)