Adûnaic pâ noun. hand A noun translated “hand”, given as an example of an apparent Adûnaic uniconsonantal noun, which had a biconsonantal-root but lost one of its consonants from its ancient form ✶Ad. paʒa (SD/416, 426). Derivations √Ad. PAƷ “hand” ✧ SD/416✶Ad. paʒa “hand” ✧ SD/426 √Ad. PAƷ “hand” Phonetic Developments DevelopmentStagesSources✶Ad. pa3a > pā[paɣa] > [paa] > [pā]✧ SD/426 Variations pā ✧ SD/426
A noun translated “hand”, given as an example of an apparent Adûnaic uniconsonantal noun, which had a biconsonantal-root but lost one of its consonants from its ancient form ✶Ad. paʒa (SD/416, 426).