A verb for “to sew” implied by the sobriquet Serindë “Broideress, Needlewoman, ✱Seamstress” of Míriel, mother of Fëanor (MR/257, PM/333). This verb is further supported by the root √THER or √SER “sew” which appeared in notes from 1957, with Tolkien preferring √THER (PE17/33).
Conceptual Development: The verb ᴱQ. neme- “I sew” appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√NEME (QL/65), but there are no signs of it after the 1910s.
ser- vb. "rest" (1st pers. aorist serin "I rest"); pa.t. probably *sendë since the R of ser- was originally D (cf. stem SED; compare rer- pa.t. rendë from RED concerning the past tense)