Quenya 


base, foundation, root

talma noun "base, foundation, root" (TALAM), also translated "bottom" in the expression "top to bottom", see below.% Talmar Ambaren (place-name, *"Foundations of the World" - this is pre-classical "Qenya" with genitive in -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya) (TALAM). Allative talmanna in the phrase telmello talmanna** "from hood to base**, top to bottom" _(VT46:18; notice misreading "telmanna" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, entry TEL-, TELU-)_


noun. flat space, platform

A variant of talan (talam-) “flat space, platform” in notes on Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings (PE17/52).

Neo-Quenya: I would not use this word for this purpose in Neo-Quenya, since elsewhere talma was used for “basis, base, foundation, root” (PE21/80; Ety/TAL).


  • S. talan “platform, flat space, flet [Middle English = ‘floor’]” ✧ PE17/052
  • S. talf “wang, flat field, topographical flat area” ✧ PE17/052


  • talam “floor; flat space, platform, floor; flat space, platform, [ᴹ✶] ‘flet’; ground” ✧ PE17/052
    • TALAM “flat space, flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation”
  • TALAM “flat space, flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation” ✧ PE17/052

Element in

Phonetic Developments

talam- > talma[talama] > [talma]✧ PE17/052
talam > talma[talama] > [talma]✧ PE17/052


  • talma ✧ PE17/052; PE17/052


noun. basis, basis, [ᴹQ.] foundation, base, root; [ᴱQ.] end


  • talmā “basis” ✧ PE21/80
    • TALAM “flat space, flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation”

Element in

Phonetic Developments

talma > talma[talma]✧ PE21/80


  • talma ✧ PE21/80 (talma)


noun. flat space, platform, flat space, platform; [ᴹQ.] floor, ground

A word for a “flat space, platform” in notes on Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings, cognate to S. talan and derived from ✶talam (PE17/52). In The Etymologies of the 1930s, ᴹQ. talan was glossed “floor, ground” under the root ᴹ√TALAM “floor, base, ground” (Ety/TALAM).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would use talan as a general word for a constructed “floor” or “platform” both with and without walls and possibly above ground level as well, but for natural “ground” I would use [ᴹQ.] hún (QL/39).


  • S. talan “platform, flat space, flet [Middle English = ‘floor’]” ✧ PE17/052; PE17/052; PE17/052


  • talam “floor; flat space, platform, floor; flat space, platform, [ᴹ✶] ‘flet’; ground” ✧ PE17/052
    • TALAM “flat space, flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation”
  • TALAM “flat space, flat space, [ᴹ√] floor, ground; base, root, foundation” ✧ PE17/052

Element in

  • ᴺQ. ettalan “balcony”
  • ᴺQ. luttalan “raft, (lit.) floating platform”

Phonetic Developments

talam- > talan[talam] > [talan]✧ PE17/052
talam > talan[talam] > [talan]✧ PE17/052



tyel (1) noun "end", stem tyeld- as in the pl. form tyeldi (FS, KYEL; the pl. form tyeldi_ was misread as "tyelde" in the Etymologies as printed in LR; cf. VT45:25 for this correction)_. Cf. tyelma.



metta noun "end"; Ambar-metta "world-end, the end of the world" (EO); mettarë *"end-day" = New Years' Eve in the Númenórean calendar and the Steward's Reckoning, not belonging to any month (Appendix D). The word Mettanyë, heading the final part of the poem The Trees of Kortirion, would seem to be related (LT1:43)


end, cease

tyel- (2) vb. "end, cease" (KYEL)


noun. base


Quenya [PE 18:33, 60 PE 18:84, 95] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


base, root, root-word

sundo (þ) noun "base, root, root-word" (SUD), sc. a Quendian consonantal "base". According to VT46:16, Tolkien changed the root to STUD, thereby implying that sundo was earlier þundo (compare Sindarin thond "root"). PE18:95 gives the pl. form as sundur, seemingly implying a stem-form sundu-. It is not, however, used in the compound sundocarmë "base-structure" (PE18:84 not **sunducarmë), a term used in the description of the structure of the various Quendian "bases" or roots.


noun. end


  • TEL “close, end, complete, come to an end”
Quenya Group: Eldamo - neologism/adaptations. Published by