Sindarin 


noun. victorious heart

tûr (“mastery,victory”) + ind (“inner thought, heart, mind”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


masculine name. Túrin

The great tragic hero of the First Age (S/198), his name is a combination of tûr “victory” (SA/tur) and ind “heart”.

Conceptual Development: In the earliest Lost Tales, this character’s name was already G. Túrin (LT2/70), and so remained in all of Tolkien’s writing. It was translated “Lord” in some early notes (PE15/61), but it seems unlikely this translation remained valid. In The Etymologies from the 1930s, N. Túrin was derived from a combination of N. tûr and ind, which is the source of the derivation given above (Ety/ID, TUR).

Element in


tûr“master, [N.] mastery, victory, [ᴱN.] power [over others]; [S.] master”
ind“some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart, some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart [metaphorical], [N.] inner thought, meaning”


  • TÚRIN ✧ S/226
  • Turin ✧ VT49/24
Sindarin [LotRI/Túrin; LT1I/Túrin; MRI/Túrin; PE22/165; PMI/Túrin; S/223; S/226; SA/tur; SI/Túrin; UT/138; UTI/Túrin; VT49/24; VT50/05; VT50/18; WJI/Túrin] Group: Eldamo. Published by


Túrin (name)

See: Túrin (disambiguation) and Turambar (disambiguation)

It's possible that during Túrin's lifetime (First Age), the name was pronounced as "Túrind" before simplified in the following centuries. The Quenya form is Túrindo.

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway "Túrin"] Published by



(i** dûr, o thûr, construct tur) (mastery, power, control; master, victor), pl. tuir (i** thuir), coll. pl. túrath.



(i cheron, o cheron) (master), pl. heryn (i cheryn), coll. pl. heronnath** (VT45:22). Since the pl. heryn clashes with the fem. sg. heryn** ”lady”, other words for ”lord” may be preferred.



(i** vrannon), pl. brennyn (i** mrennyn), coll. pl. brannonnath



1) hîr (i chîr, o chîr; also hir-, her- at the beginning of compounds) (master), no distinct pl. form, not even with article (i chîr), coll. pl. híriath (Letters:282, 386; VT41:9); 2) heron (i cheron, o cheron) (master), pl. heryn (i cheryn), coll. pl. heronnath (VT45:22)._ _Since the pl. heryn clashes with the fem. sg. heryn ”lady”, other words for ”lord” may be preferred. 3) brannon (i vrannon), pl. brennyn (i mrennyn), coll. pl. brannonnath; 4) tûr (i dûr, o thûr, construct tur) (mastery, power, control; master, victor), pl. tuir (i thuir), coll. pl. túrath.



(i chîr, o chîr; also hir-, her- at the beginning of compounds) (master), no distinct pl. form, not even with article (i chîr), coll. pl. híriath (Letters:282, 386; VT41:9)