umboth muilin
place name. Twilight Meres, Veiled Pool
Word Gloss umboth “large pool” muilin “secret, veiled” Variations
- Umboth-muilin ✧ SMI/Umboth-muilin
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
umboth muilin
place name. Twilight Meres, Veiled Pool
Word Gloss umboth “large pool” muilin “secret, veiled” Variations
- Umboth-muilin ✧ SMI/Umboth-muilin
Doriathrin precursor to S. Aelin-uial translated “Twilight Meres” (LR/262). In The Etymologies, it was translated “Veiled Pool” and given as a combination of umboth “large pool” and muilin “veiled” (Ety/MBOTH, MUY).