noun. sun
- ᴹQ. Anar “Sun” ✧ SD/306
- √UR “heat, be hot”
- Wes. uir “sun” ✧ SD/306
Element in
- Ad. Ûrî “(Lady of the) Sun” ✧ SD/426
- Ad. Ûrinîluwat “Sun and Moon” ✧ SD/428
- Ad. ûriyat nîlô “sun and moon” ✧ SD/428
- Ūri ✧ SD/306
- ūrē ✧ SD/426
- ūri ✧ SD/428
A noun translated “sun” (SD/306, 428). This word appears in the forms ûrê, ûri and ûrî, but Tolkien declared that the form with long î is actually the personified form Ûrî “Lady of the Sun” (SD/426), perhaps the Adûnaic name of Q. Arien. The form ûrê only appears once (SD/426), so ûri is probably to be preferred as the ordinary word for Sun, especially since it is a neuter noun, which ordinarily cannot end in a long -ê (SD/427). Tolkien lists the “later forms Uir, Ŷr” (SD/306), one of which may be the Westron word for “sun”, most likely Wes. uir. As suggested by several authors (AAD/24, EotAL/UR), ûri is probably derived from the Elvish root ᴹ√UR.