ve maiwi yaimië
like gulls wailing
Element in
- Q. Markirya “The Last Ark”
Word Gloss ve “as, like, similar, after the manner [of], as, like, similar, after the manner [of]; [ᴹQ.] with” maiwë “gull” yaimëa “wailing” Variations
- ve maiwi yaimie ✧ MC/222
The fifth line of the Markirya poem (MC/222). The first word is ve “like”, followed by the plural of maiwë “gull” and the plural form of the adjective yaimëa “wailing” in agreement with the noun.
Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:
> ve maiw-i yaim-ië = “✱like gull-(plural) wailing-(plural)”