Account “Account 103”

These are the comments that can be found on Brethil's profile.

Brethil #4178

Can anyone suggest a translation of pharmacist or apothecary in Sindarin and Quenya.

Aldaleon #4181

This is a great question! There aren't any known attested words for either as far as I'm aware.

I'd probably suggest salab + -on > *salabon "herbalist" to suggest at the cultural equivalent among elves and the men of Gondor who relied on herbs, in particular athelas, for healing.


Brethil #4183

Thank you very much. Herbalist would work very well given the likely use of herbs for healing.

Would medicine maker work?

Rínor #4185

I think I used nestor for healer some time ago. I really like Aldaleon's herbalist though. But there is no word for "medicine" only athra- to treat medically AFAIK.

Brethil #4351

Would it be possible to to add salabon "herbalist" to the glossaries please?