Constructing Names

Regidnätsllov Eman #3977

I'm trying to construct names with certain meanings behind them. My understanding of Quenya/Sindarin grammar and naming conventions is pretty non-existent though. Important to me is that these names are also easy to pronounce.

  • Mother of Light (female first name)
    It's probably a bad approach but for this name I derived from "Mother of God" which has the direct translation Eruamillë and replaced god with light: Calamillë.
    Is this accurate enough? It at least sounds like an easy enough name to pronounce.

  • Light of Hope (female first name)
    For this one I tried to merge the meanings as much as possible because this gets long pretty quickly and I try to keep it short and easy to pronounce as I intend to use it often.
    I came up with Calameriel or Calamiel as a merged word. In another thread Estel" was used for hope, which would stretch the name a lot.

  • Amaranth (as a family name) I came up with Meralfirin, combining the words alfirin for immortal (because amaranth is the immortal flower) and meril for rose, which has a good ring to it but is possibly inaccurate since amaranth doesn't look anything like a rose. As for the proper tranlation of flower, there is so many that I couldn't choose which one would be the right pick.

Also I'd have a question: If Elentári means Starqueen, is the correct masculine Elentár?

Rínor #3980

It seems like you might be mixing Sindarin with Quenya with alfirin. I will note that alfirin means both immortal and a species of flower. See here. And I am not sure if it would be used for a name either. Since Elves can die due to being slain in battle.

Are you wanting just strictly Quenya names or Sindarin. Just curious I would not be any help with Quenya names.

Regidnätsllov Eman #3981

For me it doesn't really matter all too much which of the two.

Rínor #3982

Ok for Sindarin I can offer these.

Mother of Light (Emelchalad, Calemel, Galademig, Calemig)

Light of Hope (Caladestel, Estelchalad, Calesteleth)

Star King (Elaran, Gilaran)

And for Amaranth (Unsure if anything I would use Alfrin as it pretty much means what you are looking for.)