Sindarin 


noun/adjective. immortal, (lit.) not dying; a species of flower

A word used in The Lord of the Rings for a flower that was clearly intended to mean “immortal” when Tolkien first coined the word, a negated form of firin “mortal, dying”. Tolkien described this flower as being similar to an immortelle (Let/402). In the period where Tolkien decided that √LA was not a negative element, he coined a couple alternate etymologies for the flower, one based on alph “swan” (PE17/100) and another where the initial element was al- “well” and the second element was pirin for flowers that opened and closed with changes of light (PE17/146). In periods where Tolkien used √LA for negation, the meaning “immortal” was restored (PE22/153, PE22/156).

Neo-Sindarin: Since I retain al- as a negative prefix for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, I’d keep the gloss “immortal” for this word, using it as both an adjective and noun with this meaning, as well as referring to the immortelle-like flower.



  • alfirīne “not dying” ✧ PE17/101
    • PHIR “exhale, expire, breathe out, exhale, expire, breathe out; [ᴹ√] die of natural causes”


al-“no, not”
firin“mortal, dying, dying, mortal; [N.] human”

Phonetic Developments

alfirīne > alfirin[alpʰirīne] > [alɸirīne] > [alfirīne] > [alfirīn] > [alfirin]✧ PE17/101


  • Alfirin ✧ Let/402; LotRI/Alfirin
Sindarin [Let/248; Let/402; LotR/0875; LotRI/Alfirin; PE17/100; PE17/146; PE22/153; PE22/156; UT/055; UTI/alfirin] Group: Eldamo. Published by