suffix. gerund
vḗ→ rḗ “gerund” ✧ PE22/116Variations
- rḗ ✧ PE22/116
- vḗ ✧ PE22/116 (
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- -ie ✧ MR/200 (-ie)
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- ᴹQ. aikale “peak”
- ᴹQ. ettele “outer lands, foreign parts”
- ᴹQ. farale “hunting” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. hortale “speeding, urging”
- ᴹQ. intyale “imagination”
- ᴹQ. lindale “music”
- ᴹQ. lirule “merry song” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. lúmeqentale “history”
- ᴹQ. mankale “commerce, commerce, *trade [as an activity]”
- ᴹQ. meryale “holiday”
- ᴹQ. naikele “*anguish, [ᴱQ.] anguish”
- ᴹQ. nandele “harping, *repetition”
- ᴹQ. ontale “descent”
- ᴹQ. qelle “Autumn”
- ᴹQ. qentale “account, history”
- ᴹQ. tenkele “writing (system), spelling”
- ᴹQ. vestale “wedding”
- -lḗ ✧ PE22/110 (
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- ᴹQ. melme “love” ✧ Ety/MEL
noun. day
- N. ar- “day” ✧ Ety/AR¹
Element in
- ᴹQ. Are Fanturion “Day of the Fanturi, fourth day of the Valian week”
- ᴹQ. Are Manwen “Day of Manwe, first day of the Valian week”
- ᴹQ. Arendien “Midyear’s Day”
- ᴹQ. Are Veruen “Day of the Spouses, third day of the Valian week”
- ᴹQ. artuile “dayspring, early morn”
- ᴹQ. Ar Ulmon “Day of Ulmo, second day of the Valian week”
- ᴹQ. enar “tomorrow”
- ᴹQ. Mettare “Year’s end”
- ᴹQ. sinar “today, this morning”
- ᴹQ. Tuilear “Springdays”
- ᴹQ. yáre “former days”
- ᴹQ. Koirear “Stirringdays”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ✶ari- > are [ari] > [are] ✧ Ety/AR¹
suffix. general action verbal suffix
Element in
- -rḗ ✧ PE22/110
- árē̆ ✧ PE22/110
suffix. general action verbal suffix
Element in
suffix. abstract noun
Element in
- ᴹQ. eresse “solitude”
- ᴹQ. hopasse “harbourage”
- ᴹQ. kaimasse “lying in bed, sickness, sickness, (lit.) lying in bed”
- ᴹQ. ninqisse “whiteness”
- ᴹQ. otornasse “brotherhood, brotherhood, *association”
- ᴹQ. qentasse “history” ✧ SM/206
- ᴹQ. valasse “divinity”
- ᴹQ. varnasse “security”
- ᴹQ. veasse “vigour”
- ᴹQ. venesse “virginity”
- ᴹQ. Víresse “April, *Freshness”
- -ssë ✧ SM/206 (-ssë)
suffix. general action verbal suffix
- N. -th “abstract noun”
Element in
- ᴹQ. karaste “making, manufacture, construction” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. keluste “outflow” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. easte “being, essence”
- ᴹQ. yeste “being, existence”
- ᴹQ. faraste “hunting, the chase” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. liruste “singing, chant” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. meneste “intention” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. nemeste “appearance” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. olaste “growth” ✧ PE22/110
- ᴹQ. tiriste “*watch, guard”
- ᴹQ. tuluste “arrival” ✧ PE22/110
- -stḗ ✧ PE22/110
noun. day
- ᴹ√GALAN “bright” ✧ EtyAC/GAL¹
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√GALÁN > ala [gala] > [ɣala] > [ala] ✧ EtyAC/GAL¹