Sindarin 


noun. pale, #blue lake

ael (“lake, pool, mere”) + #luin (Dor. “pale, #blue”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


place name. *Blue Lake

The lake where Barahir and his men made their lair in their fight against the forces of Morgoth (S/162). This name generally appears as “Tarn Aeluin”, but “tarn” is simply an obscure English word for a mountain lake. This name seems to be a compound of ael “lake, pool” and the adjective luin “blue”, since it was described as “clear and blue by day” (S/162).

Sindarin [LBI/Tarn Aeluin; LRI/Tarn Aeluin; MRI/Aeluin; S/162; SI/Tarn Aeluin; WJI/Aeluin] Group: Eldamo. Published by



Aeluin means "Blue Lake" in Sindarin (from ael = "lake, pool" and luin = "blue"). Tarn is an archaic English word meaning "mountain lake".

Sindarin [Tolkien Gateway] Published by