Quenya 



#massa noun "bread" (massamma "our bread", VT43:18); massánië "breadgiver", used as a title of the highest woman among any Elvish people, since she had the keeping and gift of the coimas (lembas). Also simply translated "Lady" (PM:404)


noun. bread

A word for “bread” appearing as massa (VT43/12) or massë (PE17/52) in Tolkien’s later writings, most notably as an element in Q. massánië “breadgiver” (PM/404). It was in competition with, and possibly replaced, the word masta “bread”. The distinction between the two was discussed in notes from 1960s (PE17/52):

> Assume a Primitive Eldarin derivation ✱mbassē “(baked) bread”. The other derivatives were ✱mbasta with short final, an infinitive or verbal noun formation denoting a single action of the stem .. and ✱mbazdā denoting the passive result of the action, and when used substantivally a single product of this: mbazda would thus mean baked or a baked thing ... In Quenya we have masse “bread” as a material, and masta “a cake or loaf” (zd > st).

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya I prefer to use massa as the typical word for “bread” rather than massë, to avoid conflict with other words like [ᴹQ.] masse “where”. I would also use masta as a more general word for baked goods, including bread but also other baked things like cakes and loafs.



  • mbassē “(baked) bread” ✧ PE17/052
    • MBAS “bake, bake, [ᴱ√] cook; [ᴹ√] knead” ✧ PE17/051

Element in

Phonetic Developments

mbassē > masse[mbassē] > [massē] > [masse]✧ PE17/052


  • masse ✧ PE17/052
Quenya [PE17/052; VT43/18] Group: Eldamo. Published by



massë noun "bread" (as a material), variant of massa, q.v. (PE17:52). Notice that *massë has also been extrapolated as a question-word "where?"


noun. bread


noun. bread

Quenya [PE 22:119; PE 22:162] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by

Sindarin 


noun. bread-giver

See bass for a discussion regarding this word

Sindarin [PM/404-405, X/Z] bass+oneth. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. bread-giver

See bass for a discussion regarding this word

Sindarin [PM/404-405, X/Z] bass+oneth. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. bread-giver

See bass for a discussion regarding this word

Sindarin [PM/404-405, X/Z] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. the Lady, breadgiver

In notes from the 1950s Tolkien said word besain was a title for noble Elf ladies as the provider of lembas, the equivalent of (and probably an adaption from) Q. massánië, literally “bread giver [giving]” (PM/404). It was likely coined based on the historical developments of this name: ✱mbassānye > (m)bessenı̯ > bessein > besain. Christopher Tolkien noted that his father wrote oneth “✱giving” above -ain, indicating an alternate form, which Christopher Tolkien wrote as ✱besoneth (PM/405). However, I think it is likelier the alternate would be ✱basoneth = S. bas “bread” + oneth “giving”, because in this alternate form there would be no reason for the initial element bas- to undergo i-affection.



  • [bas]oneth ✧ PM/405
Sindarin [PM/404; PM/405] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. bread-giver

See bass for a discussion regarding this word

Sindarin [PM/404-405, X/Z] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. bread

This was the word for “bread” in Sindarin and its conceptual precursors for much of Tolkien’s life, derived from the equally long-lived root √MBAS “bake”. The word dates all the way back to the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s where G. bast “bread” was derived from the early root ᴱ√M(B)ASA “cook, bake” (GL/22). ᴱN. bast “bread” reappeared in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s (PE13/138) and appeared again as N. bast “bread” in The Etymologies of the 1930s under the root ᴹ√MBAS “knead” (Ety/MBAS).

It appeared without a final t in the Sindarin version of the Lord’s Prayer from the 1950s: anno ammen sír i mbas ilaurui vín “give us this day our daily bread” (VT44/21). However the t was restored in the phrase penim vast “we have no bread” from around 1959 (PE17/144). The late vacillations on the presence and absence of t are likely connected to Tolkien challenges with the derivation of lembas; see that entry for discussion. Likewise, the mutated forms mbas vs. vast indicate some late uncertainty on whether the primitive form began with mb- or b-.

Neo-Sindarin: For purposes of Neo-Sindarin, I would assume the normal form was bast “bread” from ancient mbasta, so that lenited forms show mb-.


  • Q. massa “bread”
  • Q. masta “bread, cake, loaf, bread, cake, loaf, *baked good”


  • MBAS “bake, bake, [ᴱ√] cook; [ᴹ√] knead”

Element in

Sindarin [PE17/144; VT44/27] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. bread

In the Etymologies, the word for "bread" is given as bast , Quenya masta, but it seems that Tolkien later changed his mind and updated the word to bass, as shown in Quenya massánie, Sindarin besain, besoneth "bread-giver", and in the mutated form (i)mbas (apparently prefixed with the article). These latter Sindarin forms are however dubious, as we would rather have expected bessain (as a regular cognate of Quenya massánie) and bassoneth (without i-affection), and possibly a different mutation pattern after the article

Sindarin [besain, besoneth, imbas PM/404-405, VT/44:21] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. journey bread made by the Elves

Sindarin [PM/404, LotR/II:VIII] lend+bass. Group: SINDICT. Published by

basoneth Reconstructed

noun. breadgiver



bass (i mass, o mbass, construct bas), pl. bais (i mbais). The sg. form with article "imbas" in VT44:23 may be seen as archaic Sindarin, for later *i mas(s) as suggested here. In ”Noldorin”, the word for "bread" was bast (LR:372 s.v. MBAS), but otherwise it would have the same mutations.



(i mass, o mbass, construct bas), pl. bais (i mbais). The sg. form with article "imbas" in VT44:23 may be seen as archaic Sindarin, for later ✱i mas(s) as suggested here. – In ”Noldorin”, the word for "bread" was bast (LR:372 s.v. MBAS), but otherwise it would have the same mutations.


way-bread, journey-bread

pl. lembais.

Noldorin 


noun. bread

Noldorin [Ety/372] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. bread


  • ᴹQ. masta “bread” ✧ Ety/MBAS


  • ᴹ√M(B)AS “knead” ✧ Ety/KOR; Ety/MBAS

Element in

  • Ilk. basgorn “round bread” ✧ Ety/KOR
  • N. basgorn “loaf, loaf, [G.] loaf of bread, [ᴱN.] round loaf, cake” ✧ Ety/MBAS

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√MBAS > bast[mbasta] > [basta] > [bast]✧ Ety/MBAS
Noldorin [Ety/KOR; Ety/MBAS] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Qenya 


noun. bread


  • mastamasta “dough” ✧ Ety/MBAS


  • N. bast “bread” ✧ Ety/MBAS


  • ᴹ√M(B)AS “knead” ✧ Ety/MBAS

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√MBAS > masta[mbasta] > [masta]✧ Ety/MBAS
Qenya [Ety/MBAS; EtyAC/MBAS; PE22/119] Group: Eldamo. Published by



noun. bread



Element in

Gnomish [GG/08; GL/22; GL/51] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Early Noldorin


noun. bread


Element in

  • En. basgorn “round loaf, cake”
  • En. ormast “breadless” ✧ PE13/156
  • En. ummast “without bread” ✧ PE13/155 (ummast)


  • mast ✧ PE13/155 (mast)
Early Noldorin [PE13/138; PE13/155; PE13/156] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Early Quenya


noun. bread



Element in

Phonetic Developments

ᴱ✶mb[asta] > masta[mbastā] > [mbasta] > [masta]✧ PE16/141
ᴱ√M(B)ASA > masta[mbastā] > [mbasta] > [masta]✧ QL/059
Early Quenya [PE16/141; PME/059; QL/059] Group: Eldamo. Published by