noun. existing
verb. to be; to exist, have being, be found extant in the real world
Element in
- ᴹQ. angwion ie uman enwa “the existence of dragons at one time (is) a fact” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. aran ie mólome “being a king is a burden” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. Ea “all that is, the World” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. easte “being, essence” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. enna “fact” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. enno “person, *being” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. enwa “existent, real, true; fact” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. ére “existing” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. ére nairea, ére lunga nairenen “existence (in this world) is sorrowful, is fraught with sorrow” ✧ PE22/124; PE22/124
- ᴹQ. évea “future” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. i·nér né raiqa ar sí aphasta “the man was angry but now is in good humor (lit. it pleases him)” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. kanya ére kata tulma alwara “to be wise after the event is useless” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. kanya ére kato alwara “To be wise afterwards is useless” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. parka ëan “I am thirsty” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. parka ëa nyé “I am thirsty” ✧ PE22/122
- ᴹQ. qáqi me·vár tasse “we shall all be there” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. vahaia nóre ëa i a-esta Valinor “far away (there) is a land called Valinor” ✧ PE22/124
- ᴹQ. yára Túro mante ilqa masta ha mé·ne úmahtale “old Túro’s eating of all the bread was a nuisance to us” ✧ PE22/119
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√EƷ > ea [eɣa] > [ea] ✧ PE19/048 ᴹ✶e-ñ-ʒe > eñge [eŋɣe] > [eŋge] ✧ PE22/122 ᴹ✶ē̆ʒā > ëa [eɣa] > [ea] ✧ PE22/122 ᴹ✶eʒyā > ëa [eɣja] > [eja] > [ea] ✧ PE22/122 Variations
- ea ✧ PE19/048; PE22/123
- ëa ✧ PE22/122; PE22/122; PE22/122
verb. to be
- ᴹ√YĒ “to be” ✧ PE22/123
Element in
- ᴹQ. yeste “being, existence” ✧ PE22/123
- ᴹQ. en ye tá “that is a tee” ✧ PE22/011
- ᴹQ. etta matie the ye úmahta “his eating it is a nuisance” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. íre ilqa yéva nótina, hostainiéva, yallume “when all is counted, and all numbered at last” ✧ LR/072
- ᴹQ. írima ye Númenor “lovely is Númenor” ✧ LR/072
- ᴹQ. karie ye mólome “making (things) is hard work” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. matie ye mára “eating is (a) good (thing)” ✧ PE22/119
- ᴹQ. nan úye sére indo-ninya símen, ullume “but my heart resteth not here for ever” ✧ LR/072
- ᴹQ. ten sí ye tyelma, yéva tyel ar i narqelion “for here is ending, and there will be an end and the Fading” ✧ LR/072; LR/072
- ᴹQ. te ye matina “it is eaten” ✧ PE22/107
- ᴹQ. yé karalya “to be making” ✧ PE22/123
- ᴹQ. (ye) mólome nakie·nye “(it is) hard work to kill me” ✧ PE22/120
- ᴹQ. ye ortalya “is raising” ✧ PE22/117
- ᴹQ. ye sirinyella “*has flown” ✧ PE22/115
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√YE > yē [jē] ✧ PE22/123 Variations
- yē ✧ PE22/123 (yē)
verb. to be
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ᴹ√NĀ² > nā [nā] ✧ Ety/NĀ² ᴹ✶nḗ > né [nē] ✧ PE22/096 Variations
- nā ✧ Ety/NĀ²