noun. light (as an ethereal substance), light (as an ethereal substance), *photons
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources √glay > glae [glai] > [glae] ✧ NM/283 Variations
- glae ✧ NM/283
- glaegal ✧ NM/283
A word for light as an ethereal substance (“✱photons”), the equivalent of Q. linquë though of different origin (NM/283); see the Quenya entry for further discussion. It appeared in the forms glae and glaegal, the former derived from the root √GLAY (perhaps a variant of √GAL “light”), and the latter probably √GLAY + √KAL.
Conceptual Development: A similar form ᴱN. glaiw “light” appeared in Early Noldorin Word-lists of the 1920s (PE13/144).