Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Early Quenya


noun. plough

A noun appearing as ᴱQ. hyar (hyarm-) “a plough” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s under the early root ᴱ√HYAŘA [HYAÐA] “plough through” (QL/41). In the contemporaneous Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa it appeared only as its stem form hyarm- “plough” (PME/41). Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s had ᴱQ. hyarma “a plough” (PE16/144).

Neo-Quenya: The form hyarma conflict with the later word Q. hyarma “left hand”. However, since the later root ᴹ√SYAD had a similar meaning “shear through, cleave” in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/SYAD), I think ᴺQ. hyar “plough” can be salvaged for purposes of Neo-Quenya derived from a primitive form like ✱syadĕ.


  • ᴱ√HYAÐA “plough through” ✧ LT2A/Gurtholfin; QL/041

Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√HYAŘA > hyar[θʲaðmǝ] > [θʲaðm] > [θʲazm] > [θʲarm] > [sjarm] > [j̊arm] > [j̊ar]✧ QL/041


  • hyarma ✧ PE16/144
Early Quenya [LT2A/Gurtholfin; PE16/144; PME/041; QL/041] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. plough