quín, quínë noun "crest, ridge" (PE17:24. 173)
crest, ridge
quín, quínë
crest, ridge
crest, ridge
quín, quínë
crest, ridge
quín, quínë noun "crest, ridge" (PE17:24. 173)
noun. crest
n. crest, ridge, esp. used of long (low) hill with a sharp ridge against skyline. Q. quíne. >> pend 1/2, pinn, Pinnath Gelin
noun. crest
n. crest, ridge, esp. used of long (low) hill with a sharp ridge against skyline. Q. quíne. >> pend 1/2, pind, Pinnath Gelin
noun. flower or floreate device used as crest fixed to the point of a tall helmet
root. crest, salient or top edge
A root Tolkien introduced to explain S. pinnath “ridges” (class plural of pind) in Pinnath Gelin “Green Ridges” (PE17/173). It appeared below √PED “fall in steep slant, incline, slope”, which was the basis for the similarly formed S. pend “slope”. In notes elsewhere Tolkien said that pinnath was a blending of the two plural forms of pend: general plural pind and class plural pennath (PE17/24), but it seem he later decided pind was from the distinct root √KWIN.
root. *squeak
Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!
root. *squeak
The unglossed root ᴱ√QINI appeared in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives like ᴱQ. qíne “squeaking” and ᴱQ. qíni- “speak high, squeak” (QL/77).
Neo-Eldarin: I think it worth positing a Neo-Eldarin root ᴺ√KWIN “squeak” to preserve these Early Qenya words, though it conflicts with √KWIN “crest, salient or top edge”.
Element in
- Eq. salqin “viola” ✧ QL/081
quín, quínë noun "crest, ridge" (PE17:24)