Sindarin 


noun. ash plain

lith (“ash, sand, dust”) + lad (“plain, valley”)

Sindarin [Tolkiendil] Group: Tolkiendil Compound Sindarin Names. Published by


place name. Plain of Ashes

A plain in Mordor (LotR/636) translated “Plain of Ashes” (RC/457), a combination of lith “ash” and lad “plain” (SA/lith).

Conceptual Development: This name was already Lithlad “Plain of Ashes” when it first appeared in Lord of the Rings drafts from the 1940s (TI/208).


lith“ash, ash; [N.] sand”
lad“plain, valley, plain, valley; [G.] a level, a flat; fair dealing”
Sindarin [LotRI/Lithlad; RC/457; SA/lith] Group: Eldamo. Published by