soft mut. of úmedin v. & pron. suff. I do not eat. >> -n, ú-, úmedin
verb. to eat
Element in
- ᴺQ. accamátala “over-eating”
- ᴺQ. accamatië “over-eating”
- ᴺQ. avamat- “to fast, (lit.) refuse to eat”
- Q. en i matinye “I shall eat then soon” ✧ PE22/131
- Q. lamate “fasting, a fast”
- Q. mátima “edible”
- ᴺQ. matimar “restaurant, (lit.) eating hall”
- ᴺQ. matina “eaten”
- Q. -matya “-eating”
- Q. umbestë matë “he was going to eat” ✧ PE22/132
- Q. vá matuvatyë mastanya “you are not to eat my bread, you shan’t eat my bread” ✧ PE22/162
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ✶mat-ubā-ni/njē > matuvanye [matubānjē] > [matuβānjē] > [matuβanjē] > [matuβanje] > [matuvanje] ✧ PE22/132 √MATA > mante [mante] ✧ VT39/07
The verb for “to eat” derived from the root √MAT of the same meaning (VT39/7).
Conceptual Development: This verb and root are quite well established, dating all the way back to ᴱQ. mat- and ᴱ√MATA of the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s (QL/59) and appearing as ᴹQ. mat- and ᴹ√MAT in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/MAT), as well as numerous other places albeit with occasional variants like mata- (PE12/26). This verb was one Tolkien often used in examples of verb conjugations and as such its inflected forms changed considerably over time, but that is more a topic of the evolution of the Quenya verb system itself.