

noun. west, westward

A noun meaning “west(ward)” (SD/435, PE17/18). Tolkien stated that was “a loan word from Eldarin speech in the language of the Folk of Hador, from which Númenórean was later derived” (PE17/18). Probably it is derived from S. dûn “west”, as suggested by several authors (AAD/9, EotAL/NDU). Tolkien stated that it was an adjective and its proper noun form was adûni (SD/435), but adûn was used as a noun in phrases such as Bârîm an-adûn “Lords of the West” (SD/247).


  • ᴹQ. númen “west” ✧ SD/240
  • Q. númen “west, direction or region of the sunset, occident, (lit.) going down” ✧ PE17/018; SA/andúnë


  • S. dûn “west” ✧ PE17/018
    • NDU “down, under, below; sink, descend, go down, down, under, below; sink, descend, go down, [ᴹ√] set (of Sun)” ✧ SA/andúnë

Element in


  • adūn ✧ SD/240; SD/247; SD/247; SD/312; SD/435
  • Adūn ✧ SD/251
Adûnaic [PE17/018; SA/andúnë; SD/240; SD/247; SD/251; SD/311; SD/312; SD/435] Group: Eldamo. Published by