Quenya 


noun. (wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf, (wave-beaten) shore, seashore, line of surf; [ᴹQ.] beach

A word for “(wave-beaten) shore” (VT42/15; PE17/135), or “seashore, surfline” (PE17/62), derived from the root √PHAL “foam” (PE17/62).

Conceptual Development: This word first appeared as ᴱQ. falas (falass-) “shore, beach” in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s as a derivative of the root ᴱ√FALA (QL/37). It appeared with the gloss “beach” and variants falas and falasse in the contemporaneous Name-list to the Fall of Gondolin (PE15/24) and as falasse “beach” in Early Qenya Word-lists of the 1920s (PE16/138). ᴹQ. falasse “beach” reappeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s derived the root ᴹ√PHAL “foam” (Ety/PHAL) and similar derivatives appeared in Tolkien’s later writings as noted above.

Neo-Quenya: For purposes of Neo-Quenya, I would reserve this word for its later meaning “(sea)shore” and “surfline”, and for the beach itself I would use the word Q. hresta.


  • S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)” ✧ PE17/062; SA/falas; VT42/15


  • PHAL “foam, splash” ✧ PE17/062

Element in

Phonetic Developments

PHAL > falasse[pʰalasse] > [ɸalasse] > [falasse]✧ PE17/062


  • falasse ✧ PE17/062; PE17/135
Quenya [PE17/062; PE17/135; SA/falas; VT42/15] Group: Eldamo. Published by


shore, beach

falas (falass-), falassë noun "shore, beach" (LT1:253, LT2:339); falassë "shore, line of surf" (SA:falas), "shore especially one exposed to great waves and breakers" (VT42:15), "beach" (PHAL/PHÁLAS); Falassë Númëa place-name "Western Surf" (LT1:253), Andafalassë "Langstrand" (PE17:135)


beach, shore

fára noun "beach, shore" (VT46:15)


shore, beach

#ailinë (nominative uncertain) noun "shore, beach" (in Tolkien's later Quenya rather hresta). Only attested in inflected forms: sg. ablative ailinello "shore-from" (MC:213), sg. locative ailinisse "on shore" (MC:221), pl. locative ailissen "on beaches" (for *ailinissen?) (MC:221)


shore, beach

hresta noun "shore, beach", ablative hrestallo *"from (the) shore" in Markirya