A region in north-eastern Beleriand, translated “Cool Plain” (WJ/332). This translation is difficult to explain. The final element is clearly lad “plain”, implying that its first element means “cool”, as suggested by Christopher Tolkien (SA/him). This name shares the same initial element as Himring “Ever-cold”, but that name seems to be a compound of him “ever” (Ety/KHIM, EtyAC/KHIM) and ring “cold” (Ety/RINGI).
It is possible that Tolkien coined Himlad after Himring, deciding in that moment that the initial element meant “cold” rather than the final one. However, the root meaning of √RINGI “cold” is well attested in other names: S. Ringló “Chillflood”, S. Ringnen “Chillwater”, Q. Ringarë “December”. This change of him to “cool” may have been temporary, leaving Himlad an aberration.
him (“cool”) + lad (“plain, valley”)