place name. Land of Music
- Q. Lindónë “Lindon” ✧ WJ/385
- ✶Lindānā “Lindon” ✧ WJ/385
- Q. Lindónë “Lindon” ✧ WJ/385
Element in
- S. Dor Lindon ✧ WJI/Dor Lindon
- S. Ered Lindon “Mountains of Lindon” ✧ SA/lin²; WJ/385
- S. Forlindon “Lindon north of the Gulf of Lune”
- S. Harlindon “Lindon south of the Gulf of Lune”
Word Gloss lind “song, chant, singing; singer, song, chant, singing, [N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer” Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ✶Lindānā > Lindon [lindānā] > [lindāna] > [lindǭna] > [lindauna] > [lindaun] > [lindon] > [linnon] ✧ WJ/385
Land of the Nandor in eastern Beleriand, translated “Land of Music” (S/123), based on lind “song”. This name was originally Nandorin, adopted into Sindarin (WJ/385), because normally [[s|[nd] became [nn]]] in Sindarin.
Conceptual Development: In Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s, the name Ilk. Lindon was translated “Region of Music” and provided a new explanation for the name of the mountain range Eredlindon (LR/267). In The Etymologies, it was translated “Musical Land” and designated Ilkorin, appearing beside a variant Lhinnon which is probably the Noldorin form of the name (Ety/LIN²).