Sindarin 


noun. headland, *headland; [G.] (water) meadow; long grass

An element appearing in the name Taras-ness for the headlands below the mountain Taras (UT/28), a promonotory sticking out over the water. The actual meaning of ness is unclear.

Conceptual Development: Superficially this word resembles G. ness “water meadow; long grass” from the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s (GL/60) which was probably a derivative of the early root ᴱ√NESE “give to feed; feed, pasture; graze” (QL/66). Given its Early Qenya cognate ᴱQ. nesse “(green) fodder, herb, grass”, it is likely that “long grass” is the original sense of G. ness, and “water meadow” is an extrapolated meaning.

Neo-Sindarin: If the headland of Taras-ness was used for grazing, the two words might still be related. I would thus retain the Gnomish meanings “meadow; long grass” for this Sindarin word, since we have no other good “meadow” word in Sindarin.


  • ᴺ✶. NES “give to feed; feed, pasture; graze”

Element in

  • S. Taras-ness “headland below Taras” ✧ UTI/Taras
Sindarin [UT/028; UTI/Taras] Group: Eldamo. Published by



cast (i gast, o chast) (cape), pl. caist (i chaist)



cast (i gast, o chast) (cape), pl. caist (i chaist);



(i gast, o chast) (cape), pl. caist (i chaist)