Quenya 


masculine name. *Friend of Oromë

Second child of Nolondil, known only from a genealogy chart on UT/210. His name seems to be a compound of Oromë and -(n)dil “-friend”.


-(n)dil“-friend, -lover; devotion, disinterested love”


the eldar now take the name to singify 'horn-blowing' or 'horn-blower', but to the valar it had no such meaning

Oromë noun name of a Vala, adopted and adapted from Valarin. Observes Pengolodh, "the Eldar now take the name to singify 'horn-blowing' or 'horn-blower', but to the Valar it had no such meaning" (WJ:400-401, cf. SA:rom and ROM, TÁWAR in Etym, VT14:5). Genitive Oromëo and possessive Oroméva in WJ:368. _._Loose compound Oromë róma "an Oromë horn", sc. "one of Orome's horns (if he had more than one)" (WJ:368). A deleted entry in the Etymologies cited the name as Orómë with a long middle vowel (VT45:15). Oromendil, masc. name *"Friend of Oromë" (UT:210)



Oromendil means "Devoted to Oromë" in Quenya (from -dil = "friend, lover, devoted to").

Quenya [Tolkien Gateway] Published by