Early Quenya
noun. firmament
Element in
- Eq. taitelúmen san tollanta ranka naiko lunganár “*the firmament then leans sickly on broken hill[s]” ✧ PE16/077
Word Gloss DAHA “*high” telume “the heavens, (vault of) heaven, firmament” Variations
- taiteluume- ✧ PE16/077
An unglossed word in a draft of the Oilima Markirya poem from around 1930 given as taiteluume- “firmanent” (PE16/77), probably a combination of some derivative of ᴱ√TAHA “✱high” and ᴱQ. telume “firmanent, heavens”, as suggested by Gilson, Welden and Hostetter (PE16/79).