Quenya 


watch, watch over, guard, heed

tir- vb. "watch, watch over, guard, heed", 1st pers. aorist tirin "I watch", pa.t. tirnë (TIR), imperative tira (VT47:31) or á tirë (PE17:94), future tense tiruva "shall heed" in Markirya (also MC:213, 214); also in CO with pronominal endings: tiruvantes "they will guard it" (tir-uva-nte-s "guard-will-they-it"). The stem also occurs in palantíri (q.v.), Tirion place-name "Great Watchtower", a city of the Elves (SA:tir; in MR:176 the translation is "Watchful City")


verb. to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe, to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; [ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve


  • TIR “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at, watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard” ✧ PE22/155; SA/tir

Element in

Phonetic Developments

TIR > tirila[tinwe]✧ PE22/155
tir > tir[tinwe]✧ SA/tir


  • tir ✧ SA/tir
Quenya [MC/222; PE17/025; PE17/086; PE17/094; PE22/155; SA/tir; UT/305; UT/317; VT47/31] Group: Eldamo. Published by


watch, vigil

tiris (tiriss-), also tirissë, noun "watch, vigil" (LT1:258, QL:93)



cenda- vb. "watch" (not "guard", but observe to gain information), also used = "read". Cenda = also noun "reading", as in sanwecenda "thought-inspection, thought-reading". (VT41:5, PE17:156)


immediate time reference

a (3), also á, imperative particle. An imperative with "immediate time reference" is expressed by á in front of the verb (or "occasionally after it, sometimes before and after for emphasis"), with the verb following in "the simplest form also used for the uninflected aorist without specific time reference past or present or future" (PE17:93). Cf. a laita te, laita te! "[o] bless them, bless them!", á vala Manwë! "may Manwë order it!", literally "o rule Manwë!" (see laita, vala for reference); cf. also á carë "do[!]", á ricë "try!", á lirë "sing[!]", á menë "proceed[!]", a norë "run[!]" (PE17:92-93, notice short a in this example), á tula "come!" (VT43:14). In the last example, the verb tul- "come" receives an ending -a that probably represents the _suffixed form of the imperative particle, this apparently being an example of the imperative element occurring both "before and after" the verbal stem "for emphasis" (PE17:93)_. This ending may also appear on its own with no preceding a/á, as in the command queta "speak!" (PE17:138). Other examples of imperatives with suffixed -a include cena and tira (VT47:31, see cen-, tir-); the imperatives of these same verbs are however also attested as á tirë, á cenë (PE17:94) with the imperative particle remaining independent and the following verb appearing as an uninflected aorist stem. This aorist can be plural to indicate a 3rd person pl. subject: á ricir! "let them try!" (PE17:93). Alyë (VT43:17, VT44:9) seems to be the imperative particle a with the pronominal suffix -lyë "you, thou" suffixed to indicate the subject who is to carry out the command; attested in the phrase alyë anta "give thou" (elided aly' in VT43:11, since the next word begins in e-: aly' eterúna me, *"do thou deliver us"); presumably other pronominal suffixes could likewise be added. The particle a is also present in the negative imperatives ala, #ála or áva, q.v.

Quenya [Quettaparma Quenyallo] Group: Quettaparma Quenyallo. Published by



Eldamar place-name "Elvenhome" (ÉLED; found already in Narqelion), according to MR:176 another name of Tirion (see tir-).



Elendë (1) place-name "Elvenhome", regions of Valinor where the Elves dwelt and the stars could be seen (MR:176, ÉLED). Plural ablative elendellor in the phrase et elendellor, evidently *"out of the elf-lands" (VT45:13).

Sindarin 


verb. to look (towards), watch (over), guard, to look (towards), watch (over), guard; [G.] to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect


  • TIR “watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at, watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard” ✧ Let/427

Element in

  • S. amdir “hope [based on reason], (lit.) looking up, hope [based on reason], *expectation, (lit.) looking up” ✧ MR/320
  • S. a tiro nin, Fanuilos “o guard me, Elbereth” ✧ LotR/0729; PE17/095; RGEO/64
  • S. ethir “spy”
  • S. Gwahaedir “?Far Watcher”
  • S. Talath Dirnen “Guarded Plain” ✧ S/168
  • S. tirnen “guarded” ✧ S/168

Phonetic Developments

TIR > tĭro[tir-]✧ Let/427
Sindarin [Let/279; Let/427; LotR/0729; MR/320; PE17/095; RGEO/64; RGEO/65; S/168] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. watch, guard (abstract noun), vigilance

Sindarin [Ety/394, S/437, Letters/158, VT/42:11] Group: SINDICT. Published by



{1st ĭ}_n._watch, ward, guard. >> tíria, Minas Tirith

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:25:31] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


verb. gaze

_v._gaze, look at, watch. >> tirith, tíro

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:25] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



(cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (guard, gaze, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen.



_(verb) 1) tir- (cited in the form _tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (watch over, gaze, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen. 2) tiria- (watch, gaze, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar)



(cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (watch over, gaze, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen. 2) tiria- (watch, gaze, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar)



1) tir- (cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (guard, watch over, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen. 2) tiria- (watch, guard, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar)



(cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (guard, watch over, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen.


look at, look toward

tir- (cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (watch over, guard, gaze). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen.


watch (over)

tir- (cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (guard, gaze, look at, look towards). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen.


look at, look toward

(cited in the form tiri, a ”Noldorin” infinitive in -i) (i dîr, i thirir) (watch over, guard, gaze). The imperative tiro and passive participle [t]irnen are attested, the latter in lenited form dirnen.



1) tiria- (guard, gaze, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar). 2)



(guard, gaze, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar).



(watch, guard, look toward) (i diria, i thiriar)


look toward

(watch, guard, gaze) (i diria, i thiriar)


watch, watching

(i dirith, o thirith) (guard, guarding, vigilance), no distinct pl. form except with article (i thirith)


guard, guarding

(i dirith, o thirith) (guard, guarding, vigilance), no distinct pl. form except with article (i thirith)

Primitive elvish


root. watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at, watch (over), look at, observe, gaze at; [ᴹ√] guard

Tolkien used the root √TIR for Elvish words for watching and looking throughout his life. The earliest manifestation of this root was in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s as ᴱ√TIRI “guard” (the gloss appeared under the entry for ᴱ√TIŘI) with derivatives like ᴱQ. tiri- “watch; keep, guard, preserve; look at, gaze at, observe” and ᴱQ. tirne “steadfast regard, stare” (QL/93). It also had derivatives in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon such as G. tir- “look for, look out for, watch for, await, expect” and G. tirin “watch-tower, turret, tower” (GL/71). The Etymologies of the 1930s has ᴹ√TIR “watch, guard” with derivatives like ᴹQ. tir-/N. tir- “watch”, ᴹQ. tirion “watch-tower, tower” and N. tirith “watch, guard” (Ety/TIR). The root √TIR was mentioned regularly in Tolkien’s later writings with glosses like “watch, observe” (PE17/187), “to look at (towards), watch, watch over” (RGEO/65) or “look at (turn eyes to, keep eyes on, watch)” (PE22/155).


  • palantīrā̆ ✧ Let/427
    • Q. palantír “far-gazer, far-seer, (lit.) that which looks far away” ✧ Let/427
  • STIR “face”
    • stīrē “face”
    • Q. -stir “face”
    • S. thîr “face, face, [N.] look, expression, countenance” ✧ VT41/10
    • Q. estirnë “brow”
    • ᴺS. thir- “to seem, appear, look”
  • tirlā “looking”
  • Q. tir- “to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe, to watch (over), guard, heed; to look (at), gaze, observe; [ᴱQ.] to keep, preserve” ✧ PE22/155; SA/tir
  • Q. tírima “able to be watched, observable” ✧ PE22/155
  • ᴺQ. tiris “watch, vigil, ward”
  • Q. tirítë “watchful, vigilant” ✧ PE22/155
  • S. tir- “to look (towards), watch (over), guard, to look (towards), watch (over), guard; [G.] to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect” ✧ Let/427

Element in

  • Q. Palantir “Far-sighted” ✧ SA/tir
  • Q. palantír “far-gazer, far-seer, (lit.) that which looks far away” ✧ RGEO/65; SA/tir
  • Q. Tirion “Great Watch-tower” ✧ SA/tir
  • Q. tirion “watch-tower, watch-tower, tower, [ᴱQ.] (great or mighty) tower; city on a hill” ✧ RGEO/65
  • ᴺQ. tirma “spyglass”
  • ᴺQ. tirmë “steadfast regard, stare, *gaze”
  • Q. tirmo “watcher”
  • S. Minas Tirith “Tower of Guard, Tower of Watch” ✧ SA/tir
  • S. tir- “to look (towards), watch (over), guard, to look (towards), watch (over), guard; [G.] to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect” ✧ RGEO/65
  • S. tiria- “to watch, gaze; to ward, guard” ✧ RGEO/65
  • S. tirith “watching, guarding, watch, ward, guard” ✧ SA/sîr; VT42/11


  • tir ✧ SA/sîr; SA/tir
  • tir- ✧ VT42/11
Primitive elvish [Let/427; PE17/187; PE22/155; RGEO/65; SA/sîr; SA/tir; VT42/11] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Noldorin 


verb. to watch, to gaze, look at

Noldorin [Ety/394] Group: SINDICT. Published by


verb. to watch


  • ᴹQ. tir- “to watch” ✧ Ety/TIR


  • ᴹ√TIR “watch, guard” ✧ Ety/TIR

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√TIR > tiri[tir-]✧ Ety/TIR
Noldorin [Ety/TIR; EtyAC/NDI] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. to watch, to gaze, look at

Noldorin [Ety/394] Group: SINDICT. Published by


verb. to watch


  • ᴹQ. tir- “to watch” ✧ Ety/TIR


  • ᴹ√TIR “watch, guard” ✧ Ety/TIR

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√TIR > tirio[tirja-] > [tiria-]✧ Ety/TIR


noun. watch, guard (abstract noun), vigilance

Noldorin [Ety/394, S/437, Letters/158, VT/42:11] Group: SINDICT. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!



noun. guard


Qenya 


verb. to watch


  • N. tir- “to watch” ✧ Ety/TIR
  • N. tiria- “to watch” ✧ Ety/TIR


  • ᴹ√TIR “watch, guard” ✧ Ety/TIR

Element in

  • ᴹQ. halatir(no) “kingsfisher, (lit.) fish-watcher”
  • ᴹQ. tirion “watch-tower, tower”
  • ᴹQ. tiriste “*watch, guard”

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√TIR > tirin[tinwe]✧ Ety/TIR



verb. to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect


  • ᴱ√TIRI “watch; guard; observe” ✧ LT1A/Kortirion

Element in

  • G. tirin “watch-tower, turret, tower” ✧ GL/71
Gnomish [GL/68; GL/71; LT1A/Kortirion] Group: Eldamo. Published by