Primitive elvish


root. choose, select, choose, select; [ᴹ√] divide; [ᴱ√] edge

This root has a long history in Tolkien’s writing, but it evolved in meaning over Tolkien’s life. The earliest form of this root was ᴱ√KILI “edge” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, with derivatives like ᴱQ. kíla/G. cilm “edge, rim” and ᴱQ. kilme/G. cail “lip” (QL/46, GL/24, 26). In The Etymologies of the 1930s it became ᴹ√KIL “divide” with derivatives ᴹQ. kilya/N. cîl “cleft, pass between hills, gorge” (Ety/KIL). This sense seems to have been abandoned when Tolkien changed ᴹQ. Kalakilya “Pass of Light” (LR/173) to Q. Calacirya (LotR/377).

In etymological notes from 1969 Tolkien gave √KIL “choose, select” vs. √KIM “edge, brink of”, along with various derivatives of √KIL having to do with choices (PE22/149). One of these, Q. cilmë, appeared as an element in words from several essays on Elvish names from the 1950s and 60s: Q. Essecilmë “[Ceremony of] Name-choosing” (MR/214; PE21/84) and Q. kilmessi “self-names, names of personal choice” (PM/339). But it seems even in the 1969 note mentioned above that Tolkien was considering the earlier senses of the root, since he first gave √KIL/√KILIM as the basis for edge words (PE22/149 note #26).

The difference in sense is not that great between 1910s ᴱ√KILI “edge” >> 1930s ᴹ√KIL “separate” >> 1960s √KIL “choose”, so Tolkien’s conceptual shifts on the meaning of this root seem to be gradual, with him still considering the earlier meanings into the late 1960s.


  • ᴺQ. cil- “to choose, select”
  • Q. cilmë “choice, choosing, choice, choosing, *selection” ✧ PE22/149
  • ᴺQ. cilta- “to divide, separate”
  • ᴺS. cil- “to choose, select”
  • ᴺS. cilith “choice, choosing, *selection”
Primitive elvish [PE22/149] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. edge, brink of

Tolkien used the root √KIM and similar roots for a wide variety of purposes throughout his life. Perhaps the earliest of these was the Early Qenya word ᴱQ. kim- “heed” from the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, but all of its Gnomish cognates begin with g-, as in G. gima- “hear” and G. gimri “hearkening, attention” (GL/38), so this early root was most likely ✱ᴱ√GIMI. In the Quenya Verbal System of the 1940s, Tolkien had ᴹ√KIM “light on, find, come by” and along with a verb ᴹQ. kim- of similar meaning (PE22/103, 108, 125) but most likely this meaning of the root was transferred to √KHIR and Q. hir- “find” (PE17/75).

Finally in notes from 1969 Tolkien gave √KIM “edge, brink of”, replacing deleted forms √KIL and √KILIM, with the root √KIL being reassigned the meaning “choose, select” (which seems to be the normal meaning of √KIL throughout the 1950s and 60s). Note that the early root ᴱ√KILI the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s also meant “edge”, but somewhat interestly there is a Gnomish word G. cim “blade”, perhaps indicating that this vacillation between √KIM vs. √KIL for “edge” had a longer history in Tolkien’s conceptual development of the languages.

Neo-Eldarin: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I would recommend using √KIM = “edge” and √KIL = “choose”.


  • KILKIM ✧ PE22/149


  • Q. címa “edge of a cutting weapon/tool” ✧ PE22/149; PE22/149
  • Q. cimba “edge, brink” ✧ PE22/149; PE22/149
  • ᴺS. cim “blade”

Element in

  • Q. cirmacin “knife-edge” ✧ PE22/149; PE22/149 (kirmakil)


  • KIL ✧ PE22/149 (KIL)
  • KILIM ✧ PE22/149 (KILIM)
Primitive elvish [PE22/149] Group: Eldamo. Published by


root. shine (white); silver glint; white or silver light

This root was the basis for Elvish words for stars and starlight, especially in the Sindarin branch of the Elvish languages. It first appeared as ᴱ√Gil- in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s with derivatives like G. gil- “gleam”, G. giltha “white metal, †silver”, and (probably) G. gail “star” (GL/37-38). Its Early Qenya derivatives were ᴱQ. ilsa “mystic name of silver” (QL/42) and ᴱQ. īle “star” (GL/37), indicating the true form of the root was probably ᴱ√ƷILI, since initial voiced stops were unvoiced in Early Qenya, so that ancient ✱gīle would become ✱✱kíle, not íle.

This root appeared as ᴹ√GIL “shine (white or pale)” in The Etymologies of the 1930s with derivatives like N. geil “star” and ᴹQ. Ilma “Starlight” (Ety/GIL). The root regularly appeared in this unstrengthened form in Tolkien’s later writing, for example as √GIL “shine (white)” in a 1955 letter to David Masson (PE17/152) or as gil “white or silver light” in a 1958 letter to Rhona Beare (Let/278). In one place Tolkien considered giving it a kil- variant, analogous to √GAL vs. √KAL for “(golden) light” (PE17/50), but that seems to have been a transient idea. In other notes dating to the late 1950s Tolkien gave the root in strengthened form as √NGIL “silver glint” (MR/388; PE17/22) and also √GIL >> √ÑGIL as the basis for the initial element of the name S. Gil-galad (PE17/23).

Neo-Eldarin: For purposes of Neo-Eldarin, I think it is best to assume the root was originally unstrengthened √GIL, but was sometimes strengthened to √ÑGIL to produce words like Q. ñille “silver glint”.


  • GILNGIL ✧ PE17/022
  • GILÑGIL ✧ PE17/023


  • gilyā “silver spark” ✧ PE17/152
    • S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light” ✧ PE17/152
  • ñgillē “silver glint” ✧ PE17/023; PE17/023
    • Q. nillë “silver glint; Valinorian imagines [images of real stars]”
  • Q. ilca- “to gleam (white)”
  • Q. Ilma “Starlight”
  • Q. nillë “silver glint; Valinorian imagines [images of real stars]” ✧ MR/388; PE17/022; PE17/022
  • S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light” ✧ MR/388; PE17/022; PE17/152
  • ᴺS. gil- “to gleam, shine pale and silver (as of the moon [or stars])”

Element in


  • gil ✧ Let/278; PE17/050
  • GIL ✧ PE17/022 (GIL); PE17/023 (GIL); PE17/069; PE17/152; PE17/153
  • kil ✧ PE17/050
Primitive elvish [Let/278; MR/388; PE17/022; PE17/023; PE17/050; PE17/069; PE17/152; PE17/153; PE17/167; PE17/169] Group: Eldamo. Published by