A root for “fire” first appearing as ᴹ√NAR “flame, fire” in The Etymologies of the 1930s along with derivatives like ᴹQ. nár(e)/N. naur “flame” (Ety/NAR¹). There was also an augmented variant ᴹ√ANÁR that served as the basis for “Sun” words: ᴹQ. Anar and N. Anor (Ety/ANÁR). These roots and the various derivatives continued to appear in Tolkien’s later writings in the 1950s and 60s (PE17/38; Let/425), and in one place Tolkien specified that nār- was “fire as an element” as opposed to √RUYU for an actual blaze.
Primitive elvish
root. heat, be hot
- Ad. ûri “sun”
- Wes. uir “sun” ✧ SD/306
- ✶auri “heat, period of sun” ✧ PE17/148
- ✶ūr “a fire (on hearth)”
- S. ûr “fire, fire; [ᴱN.] sun” ✧ PE21/71
- Q. aurë “day (as opposed to night), daylight, sunlight, morning, day (as opposed to night), daylight, morning; sunlight, [ᴱQ.] sunshine, gold light, warmth” ✧ PE17/120; SA/ur
- Q. úrë “heat”
- Q. Úrimë “August, *Hot-one” ✧ SA/ur
- Q. Úr(in) “Sun” ✧ PE17/148
- ᴺQ. úrin “(blazing) hot”
- ᴺQ. urna “oven”
- ᴺQ. urta- “to burn”
- ᴺQ. urwa “on fire, afire”
- Q. urya- “to be hot, to be hot; [ᴹQ.] to blaze, [ᴱQ.] burn (intransitive)” ✧ PE17/148
- ᴺS. ora- “to heat up”
- ᴺS. orna- “to burn (tr. and intr.)”
- S. uir “*fiery”
- ᴺS. uru “brazier, grate”
- S. Urui “August, *Hot-one” ✧ SA/ur
Element in
- ur- ✧ PE17/120; SA/ur
noun. a fire (on hearth)
- √UR “heat, be hot”
- S. ûr “fire, fire; [ᴱN.] sun” ✧ PE21/71
noun. Sun
- √NAR “fire, fire, [ᴹ√] flame”
- (a)nar ✧ SA/nár
root. fire, fire, [ᴹ√] flame
Element in
- (A)NAR ✧ PE17/038; PE17/147
noun. fire
- √NAR “fire, fire, [ᴹ√] flame”
Element in
- ✶Phayanāro “Spirit of Fire” ✧ PE17/039
root. wide
This root was connected to “heat” for most of Tolkien’s life. It first appeared as unglossed ᴱ√URU in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s, with derivatives like ᴱQ. úrin “(blazing) hot”, ᴱQ. uru “fire”, G. urin “hot, very hot”, and G. urna- “blaze, burn” (QL/98; GL/75). In this early period it was blended with the root ᴱ√UŘU with variant ᴱ√USU which had derivatives like ᴱQ. urna “oven” and ᴱQ. usta- “burn” (QL/98). This second root had derivatives in the contemporaneous Gnomish Lexicon such as G. gund “boil, pus” and gusta- “burn, destroy” from primitive ✱gudh (GL/42), indicating the actual root form was ✱ᴱ√ƷUÐU.
✱ᴱ√ƷUÐU seems to have been abandoned in Tolkien’s later writings, but ᴹ√UR “be hot” appeared in The Etymologies of the 1930s with derivatives like ᴹQ. úr/N. ûr “fire” and ᴹQ. urya- “blaze” (Ety/UR). This entry was deleted and replaced by ᴹ√UR “wide, large, great”. This was likely a transient change, however, as ᴹQ. Úrin as a name of the Sun remained in contemporaneous Silmarillion drafts (LR/240). Indeed primitive √UR appeared several times in later writings as the basis for words for “sunlight”, “fire” and “heat” (PE17/120, 148; PE21/71; PE22/160).