Quenya 


noun. Noldo

Noldo, Gnome

Quenya [PE 18:40 PE 19:76] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by


proper name. one of the wise folk, Gnome

An Elf of the second tribe, known as “The Wise” (WJ/383). Their name developed from the primitive root √ÑGOL having to do with wisdom (PM/360, WJ/383).

Conceptual Development: The name ᴱQ. Noldo dates back to the earliest Lost Tales, and in the Qenya Lexicon from the 1910s, where it already had the derivation given above (QL/67). In Tolkien’s earlier writings, he often translated this name as “Gnome”, in the sense of the Greek origin of this word (having to do with thought and wisdom) rather than that of a dwarf-like creature. This translation of ᴹQ. Noldo continued to appear in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s (LR/201), but became less common in Tolkien’s later writings, and was not used in the published version of The Silmarillion.

In Tolkien’s earliest writings, the plural form of this word was usually ᴱQ. Noldoli (LT1/21), but by the 1930s this had been replaced by ᴹQ. Noldor (LR/119), the form that was used thereafter.

In notes from the 1950s, Tolkien considered an alternate etymology of this name from the root √ÑGOL “dark-hued, dark-brown” referring to their dark hair (PE17/125), just as the tribal name of the Vanya referred to their fair hair. Presumably he considered this alternate origin because the newly-awakened Noldor would not yet have been known for their wisdom, but there is no evidence that this alternate etymology was anything other than a transient idea.


  • ŋoldongoldo ✧ LotR/1123


  • Ed. Nóm “Wisdom” ✧ WJI/Noldor
  • Ed. Sômar “Wisdom” ✧ WJI/Noldor
  • S. golodh “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/470; PE17/141
  • S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo” ✧ PE17/153; PM/360; SA/golodh; SI/Golodhrim; SI/Noldor; WJ/364; WJI/Golodh; MR/350; WJ/383; WJI/Noldor
  • T. Goldo “Noldo” ✧ PM/360; WJI/Goldo; WJ/383; WJI/Noldor
  • S. Gódhel “(Exiled) Noldo” ✧ WJI/Noldor


  • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/350; MR/470; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE19/076; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/380; WJ/383
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383
  • Aq. ñolda “dark-haired” ✧ PE17/125
    • ÑGOL “dark-hued, dark-brown” ✧ PE17/125
  • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ SA/gûl


  • S. Noll “Noldo” ✧ PE17/141

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ngolodō > Ñoldor[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ MR/350
ngolodō > noldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ MR/350
ngolodõ > Noldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ MR/470
Aq. ñolda > ŋoldo > noldo[ŋgoldo] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE17/125
ñgolodō > ñoldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE17/153
ñgolodō > ñoldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE19/076
Ñgolodō > Noldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PM/360
ngol- > Noldor[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ SA/gûl
ñgolodō > Ñoldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ WJ/364
ñgolodō > Ñoldor[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ WJ/380
ñgolodō > Ñoldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ WJ/383


  • noldo ✧ LotR/1123; MR/350; PE17/125
  • ngoldo ✧ LotR/1123 (ngoldo)
  • ñoldo ✧ PE17/141; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE19/076
  • ŋoldo ✧ RC/736 (ŋoldo)
  • Ñoldo ✧ VT39/16; WJ/364; WJ/383
Quenya [LBI/Noldor; Let/176; LotR/1123; LotRI/Eldar; LotRI/Noldor; MR/230; MR/350; MR/470; MRI/Noldor; PE17/086; PE17/125; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE18/073; PE19/076; PM/030; PM/360; PMI/Noldor; RC/736; S/087; SA/golodh; SA/gûl; SI/Golodhrim; SI/Noldor; UTI/Noldor; VT39/16; WJ/364; WJ/380; WJ/383; WJI/Goldo; WJI/Golodh; WJI/Noldor] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. Elf


Quenya [PE 18:71] Group: Mellonath Daeron. Published by



quendë noun "Elf", the little-used analogical sg. of Quendi, q.v. (KWEN(ED), WJ:361)

Sindarin 


noun. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk

Sindarin [Ety/377, S/431, WJ/364] Group: SINDICT. Published by



pl1. gœlydh {ð} n. lore-master, sage. Historical form obsolete as specific 'tribal' or general, except as element in certain proper-names. It was used of any sage or lore-master.Q. ñoldo. >> pengolodh

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:139-40:153] < _ñgolodō_ Gnome. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



pl1. gelydh, pl2. golodhrim {ð}_ n. _sage, lore-master. Obsolete as a tribal name. Q. ñoldo. Goloðrim << Goloðir (PE17:126).

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:141] < _ñolodō_. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


noun. lore-master, sage


  • Q. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ MR/470; PE17/141


  • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/470; PE17/139; PE17/140; PE17/141
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383

Element in

  • S. pengolodh “teaching sage, doctor (of lore), teacher of lore, teaching sage, doctor (of lore), *professor” ✧ PE17/139; PE17/140

Phonetic Developments

ngolodõ > golodh[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ MR/470
ñgolodō > goloð[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ PE17/139
ñgolodō > gœlyð[ŋgolodi] > [golodi] > [goloði] > [goluði] > [gœlyði] > [gœlyð] > [gelyð]✧ PE17/139
ñgolodō > goloð[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ PE17/140
ñolodō > goloð[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ PE17/141


  • goloð ✧ PE17/139; PE17/140; PE17/141; PE17/142
Sindarin [MR/470; PE17/139; PE17/140; PE17/141; PE17/142] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. one of the wise folk, Noldo


  • Q. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ PE17/153; PM/360; SA/golodh; SI/Golodhrim; SI/Noldor; WJ/364; WJI/Golodh; MR/350; WJ/383; WJI/Noldor


  • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/350; PE17/153; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/379; WJ/383
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ngolodō > golodh[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ MR/350
ñgolodō > goloð[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ PE17/153
Ñgolodō > goloð[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ PM/360
ñgolodō > Golodh[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ WJ/364
ñgolodō > Goelydh[ŋgolodi] > [golodi] > [goloði] > [goluði] > [gœlyði] > [gœlyð] > [gelyð]✧ WJ/364


  • golodh ✧ MR/350; SA/golodh
  • Goloð ✧ PE17/126
  • goloð ✧ PE17/153; PM/360
Sindarin [MR/350; PE17/126; PE17/153; PM/360; S/238; SA/golodh; SA/rim; SI/Golodhrim; SI/Noldor; WJ/364; WJ/379; WJ/383; WJI/Golodh; WJI/Noldor] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. Deep Elves, Gnomes

Sindarin [Ety/377, WJ/323] golodh+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk

Sindarin [WJ/364, WJ/379] go(lodh)+ódhel, or OS *wådelo. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Deep Elf or Gnome, one of the Wise Folk

Sindarin [WJ/364, WJ/366, WJ/378-379] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. "Deep Elves" or "Gnomes", the Wise Folk

Sindarin [WJ/364] gódhel+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Noldo


  • nŏlnoll ✧ PE17/141


  • Q. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ PE17/141
    • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/350; MR/470; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE19/076; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/380; WJ/383
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383
    • Aq. ñolda “dark-haired” ✧ PE17/125
    • ÑGOL “dark-hued, dark-brown” ✧ PE17/125
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ SA/gûl

Phonetic Developments

Q. ñoldo > nold > noll[noldo] > [nolðo] > [nolð] > [noll]✧ PE17/141


  • noll ✧ PE17/141
  • golt ✧ PE17/141
  • nolt ✧ PE17/141
  • nŏl ✧ PE17/141 (nŏl)


noun. "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim

Sindarin [WJ/189, WJ/365, WJ/379] eglan+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elves of Lothlórien

Sindarin [LotR] galadh+rim "people of the trees". Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Deep Elves or Gnomes, the Wise Folk

Sindarin [WJ/364] ódhel+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. "The Forsaken", Elves of the Falathrim

Sindarin [WJ/189, WJ/344] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Dark-Elf

Sindarin [WJ/377, WJ/380] morn+edhel. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf

Sindarin [Ety/356, S/430, WJ/363-364] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf

_ n. _Elf, a general name for all the Elves (since the name Quendi had gone out of use in Sindarin). Probably related to or connected with Q. Elda. >> edhellen

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:45] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



pl1. edhil, pl2. edhellim {ð} _n. _Elf. A name used by the Sindar for themselves, characterizing other varieties by an adjective or prefix. >> Aredhel, Thinnedhel

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:139] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



{ð} _n. _Elf.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:140-1] < _edelō_. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by



d _ n. _Elf. Q. elda.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:151] < *_edelā_ Elf < DEL. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


noun. elf

Sindarin [WJ/363-364] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elves of Doriath

Sindarin [WJ/378] iâth+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. elf-maid

Sindarin [WJ/148, WJ/256, WJ/363-364] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf, one of the Teleri

Sindarin [WJ/378, WJ/385] glind("teleri")+el. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Deep Elf (Sindarin name for the Ñoldor)

Sindarin [WJ/384, X/ND4] lach+hend "flame-eyed". Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Deep Elf (Sindarin name for the Ñoldor)

Sindarin [WJ/384, X/ND4] lach+hend "flame-eyed". Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. elf-friend

Sindarin [WJ/412] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf of the West, Elf of Beleriand (including Noldor and Sindar)

Sindarin [WJ/378] dûn+edhel, OS *ndûnedelo. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. elf-stone

Sindarin [SD/128-129] edhel+sarn. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. the people of the Green Elves

Sindarin [WJ/385] laegel+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. a Green Elf

Sindarin [WJ/385] laeg+-el. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. elf

n. elf, esp. [?in ?the ?South]. Noldorin form.

Sindarin [(PE17 Sindarin Corpus) PE17:141] -. Group: Parma Eldalamberon 17 Sindarin Corpus. Published by


noun. an Elf, one of the Teleri

Sindarin [PM/385] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. an Elf, one of the Vanyar

Sindarin [WJ/383] min+-el "first elf". Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf of the Great Journey (lit. "light person")

Sindarin [WJ/362, WJ/376-377, WJ/408-409] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. all Elves but the Avari

Sindarin [WJ/362, WJ/376-377, WJ/408-409] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. the people of the Green Elves

Sindarin [WJ/385] laegel+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. the Teleri, a tribe of Elves

Sindarin [PM/385] teler+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Silvan elves

Sindarin [UT/256] tawar+gwaith "forest-elves". Group: SINDICT. Published by



(one of the Noldor) Golodh (i **Ngolodh = i Ñolodh, o N**golodh = o Ñgolodh), pl. Gelydh (in Gelydh = i Ñgelydh), coll. pl. Golodhrim. While Golodh is the actual Sindarin cognate of Quenya Noldo, the Noldor themselves apparently found this form unpleasing (WJ:379) and preferred the word Gódhel (i **Ódhel), pl. Gódhil (i Ngódhil = i Ñódhil), coll. pl. Gódhellim. Also Ódhel, pl. Ódhil, coll. pl. Ódhelllim** (WJ:364, 378-9). Adj.



(i Ngolodh = i Ñolodh, o N’golodh = o Ñgolodh), pl. *Gelydh* (*in Gelydh* = i Ñgelydh), coll. pl. Golodhrim. While Golodh is the actual Sindarin cognate of Quenya Noldo, the Noldor themselves apparently found this form unpleasing (WJ:379) and preferred the word Gódhel (i ’Ódhel), pl. *Gódhil*** (i Ngódhil = i Ñódhil), coll. pl. **Gódhellim. Also Ódhel, pl. Ódhil, coll. pl. Ódhelllim (WJ:364, 378-9). Adj.


of the noldor, noldorin

*(WJ:318; Christopher Tolkien found the ”last letters illigible”, but the context might suggest Golodhrin as a pl. adj. ”Noldorin (ones)”. Lenited Ngolodhren = Ñolodhren*.



edhel (pl. edhil). Coll. pl. Edhelrim (or Edhellim) (UT:318). Also †eledh, pl. elidh, coll. pl. eledhrim (Letters:281), also elen, pl. elin, also with coll. pl. eledhrim (elen + rim with the regular change nr > dhr). _(WJ:363, 377-78; _the shorter coll. pl. Eldrim > Elrim_ _may also occur). But since elin also means "stars", other terms for "Elf" may be preferred.

Telerin 


noun. Noldo


  • Q. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ PM/360; WJI/Goldo; WJ/383; WJI/Noldor


  • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383

Element in


  • golodo ✧ PM/360
Telerin [PM/360; WJ/383; WJI/Goldo; WJI/Noldor] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Nandorin 


adjective. noldo

The primitive form of Quenya Noldo (and hence also Nandorin golda) is given in WJ:364, 380 as ñgolodô. This example demonstrates that in Nandorin, like in Quenya, the second of two identical vowels in adjacent syllables is lost in words that had another syllable following the lost vowel. This word alone provides a clear example of the change of primitive final _-ô to -a_. The form golda also suggests that in Nandorin as in Sindarin, the original initial nasalized stops ñg, nd, mb were simplified to g, d, b, though examples for d and b are lacking in our very small corpus. The stems involved are found in LR:377: ÑGOL "wise" and the extended form ÑGOLOD "one of the wise folk". Ñgolodô is thus either formed from ÑGOL by ómataina (suffixed base-vowel), suffixed D and the nominal (often masculine or agental) ending , alternatively simply the longer ending -dô (of similar meaning) suffixed to the ómataina-form of the stem ÑGOL (sc. ñgolo-).

Nandorin [H. Fauskanger (WJ:364, 377, 380)] < ÑGOL/ÑGOLOD. Published by


noun. Elves of Lothlórien

Note: "The Galadrim were 'Tree-people' (though the formation is Sindarin, + S [rim] = Q rimbë, great number) = true Sindarin galadhrim."

Nandorin [PE17/50] galadā + rim(b). Published by


noun. Elda, High-elf

Stated in the Etymologies to be derived from a stem ÉLED (LR:356), defined as "Star-folk"; Tolkien points out that Doriathrin and Danian used a "transposed" form, clearly referring to the sounds L and D changing place. In Etym the development is apparently meant to be eledâ (this primitive form is explicitly given in Letters:281) > edela > edel. Later Tolkien reconstructed the primitive form of Quenya Elda as eldâ (WJ:360); whether this could regularly yield Nandorin edel is doubtful, unless final -ld metathesized to -dl and a vowel developed to break up this final cluster.

In Etym, Tolkien first gave the Nandorin form as elda, then changed it. *Eledâ could not yield elda, since final is regularly lost in Nandorin. Since in this word we do not see loss of the second of two identical vowels (compare golda), we must conclude that final -a was lost before this could happen.

Nandorin [H. Fauskanger (Letters:281, LR:356)] < ÉLED. Published by


noun. Green-elves, Nandor

In Etym derived from the stem DAN (LR:353), simply defined as an "element found in names of the Green-elves", and tentatively compared to NDAN "back" (since the Nandor "turned back" and did not complete the march to the Sea). Tolkien's later view on the derivation of the name of the Green-elves, as set down in WJ:412, is that the stem dan- and its strengthened form ndan- do indeed have a similar meaning: these forms have to do with "the reversal of an action, so as to undo or nullify its effect", and a primitive form ndandô, "one who goes back on his word or decision", is suggested. However, it seems unlikely that the Nandor would have called themselves by such a name, and indeed Tolkien in WJ:385 states that "this people still called themselves by the old clan-name Lindai [= Quenya Lindar], which had at that time taken the form Lindi in their tongue". It may be, then, that Tolkien had rejected the idea that the Nandor called themselves Danas. - As for the ending -as, it is probably to be compared to the Sindarin class plural ending -ath; indeed a Sindarin ("Noldorin") form Danath evidently closely corresponding to Danas is given in LR:353.

Nandorin [H. Fauskanger (LR:353, WJ:385)] < DAN. Published by


noun. elf

A doubtful word according to Tolkien's later conception; in the branch of Eldarin that Nandorin belongs to, primitive KW became P far back in Elvish linguistic history [WJ:375 cf. 407 note 5]. This was not a problem in Tolkien's earlier conception, in which the Danians came from the host of the Noldor, not the Teleri [see PM:76; the idea of the Nandor being of Noldorin origin also occurs in VT47:29]. In his later version of Nandorin, the word cwenda is probably best ignored; simply emending it to *penda would produce a clash with primitive pendâ "sloping" [cf. WJ:375].

In the Etymologies, Tolkien derived cwenda from kwenedê "elf" (stem KWEN(ED) of similar meaning, LR:366; as for the shift of original final to Nandorin , compare hrassa "precipice" from khrassê). But later the primitive word that yielded Quenya Quende was reconstructed as kwende (WJ:360).

No certain example shows how original short final -e comes out in Nandorin, so we cannot say whether kwende is also capable of yielding cwenda, ignoring the question of kw failing to become p.

Nandorin [H. Fauskanger (LR:366, WJ:375:360)] < KWEN(ED). Published by

Primitive elvish


noun. lore-master, sage


  • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
  • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383


  • Q. Ingoldo “The Noldo” ✧ PM/360
  • Aq. ñgoldō “Noldo”
  • Q. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ MR/350; MR/470; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE19/076; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/380; WJ/383
    • S. Noll “Noldo” ✧ PE17/141
  • S. Angolodh “The Noldo” ✧ PM/360
  • S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo” ✧ MR/350; PE17/153; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/379; WJ/383
  • S. golodh “lore-master, sage” ✧ MR/470; PE17/139; PE17/140; PE17/141
  • T. Goldo “Noldo” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383

Element in


  • ngolodō ✧ MR/350
  • ngolodõ ✧ MR/470
  • ngolođ-ō ✧ PE17/139
  • ñolodō ✧ PE17/141
  • Ñgolodō ✧ PM/360
Primitive elvish [MR/350; MR/470; PE17/139; PE17/140; PE17/141; PE17/153; PE19/076; PE21/81; PM/360; WJ/364; WJ/379; WJ/380; WJ/383] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Noldorin 


noun. "Deep Elf" or "Gnome", one of the Wise Folk

Noldorin [Ety/377, S/431, WJ/364] Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; LBI/Golodh; SMI/Golodh


  • On. ngolodo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
    • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD

Element in

Phonetic Developments

On. ngolodo > golodh[ŋgolodo] > [golodo] > [goloðo] > [goloð]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > goeloeidh > geleidh[ŋgolodi] > [golodi] > [goloði] > [gœlœði] > [gœlœið] > [geleið]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • golodh ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; PE22/034
Noldorin [Ety/ÑGOLOD; LBI/Golodh; LR/201; PE21/57; PE22/034; PE22/041; SM/077; SMI/Golodh] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. Deep Elves, Gnomes

Noldorin [Ety/377, WJ/323] golodh+rim. Group: SINDICT. Published by


noun. Elf

Noldorin [Ety/356, S/430, WJ/363-364] Group: SINDICT. Published by

Beware, older languages below! The languages below were invented during Tolkien's earlier period and should be used with caution. Remember to never, ever mix words from different languages!

Ancient quenya


noun. Noldo


  • ñgolodō “lore-master, sage”
    • ÑGOLOD “*one of the wise folk, Gnome, [ᴹ√] one of the wise folk, Gnome”
    • ÑGOL “knowledge, wisdom, lore, knowledge, wisdom, lore; [ᴹ√] wise, be wise” ✧ PM/360; WJ/383

Element in

Ancient quenya [WJ/374] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Qenya 


proper name. one of the wise folk, Gnome


  • On. ngolodo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • N. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; LBI/Golodh; SMI/Golodh
  • ᴹT. golodo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • Ilk. (n)gold “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • Dan. golda “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; PE18/040
  • ᴹ✶ñgolodō “gnome” ✧ PE19/036; PE19/058
    • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome”

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > noldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
ᴹ√ŊGÓLODŌ > ŋoldo > noldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE18/040
ᴹ✶ñgolodō > ñoldo[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE19/036
ᴹ✶ñgòlodṓ > ñgoldṓ[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋoldō] > [ŋoldo] > [noldo]✧ PE19/058


  • noldo ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; PE18/040; PE21/08; PE22/051
  • ñoldo ✧ EtyAC/ÑGOL; PE19/036; PE22/051 (ñoldo)
  • ñgoldṓ ✧ PE19/058
  • ŋoldo ✧ PE22/019; PE22/022
Qenya [Ety/ÑGOLOD; EtyAC/ÑGOL; LBI/Golodh; LR/119; LR/168; LRI/Noldoli; LRI/Noldor; PE18/023; PE18/040; PE19/036; PE19/058; PE21/08; PE22/019; PE22/022; PE22/051; RSI/Noldor; SDI2/Noldor; SM/085; SMI/Golodh; SMI/Noldor; TI/167; TII/Noldor; WRI/Noldor] Group: Eldamo. Published by



noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome


noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome

A Doriathrin name for the ᴹQ. Noldo from the same primitive root ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD (Ety/ÑGOLOD). In the entry for ÑGOLOD in The Etymologies, it appeared as (n)gold, indicating a variation of the usual rule that [[ilk|initial [ŋg] became [g]]] in Ilkorin. The second [o] of the primitive form was lost due to the Ilkorin syncope. Its genitive form golda also appeared as an element in the name Goldamir “✱Noldo-jewel” = Silmaril.


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD

Element in

  • Ilk. Goldamir “Silmaril, *(lit.) Noldo-jewel” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > (n)gold[ŋgolodo] > [ŋgoldo] > [ŋgold] > [ŋgold]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
Doriathrin [Ety/ÑGOLOD] Group: Eldamo. Published by



noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome

A noun glossed “one of the wise folk, Gnome” developed from the root ᴹ√ÑGOLOD (Ety/ÑGOLOD), most likely from primitive ✱✶ñgolodō given its cognates. It is an example of the Danian syncope, with second unstressed [o] vanishing after the identical vowel. It is also one of the Danian words for which a long final vowel developed into short final [a]. Finally, it provides an example of how initial nasals vanished before stops.


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > golda[ŋgolodō] > [ŋgoldō] > [ŋgolda] > [golda]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
Ossriandric [Ety/ÑGOLOD] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Old Noldorin 


noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • N. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD

Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > ngolodo[ŋgolodo]✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
Old Noldorin [Ety/ÑGOLOD; PE21/58] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Middle Primitive Elvish


root. one of the wise folk, Gnome


  • Ilk. (n)gold “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • Dan. golda “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • ᴹ✶ñgolodō “gnome”
    • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ PE19/036; PE19/058
  • ᴹ✶ŋgolóndē “Gnome-realm” ✧ PE18/040
    • ᴹQ. Ingolonde “Land of the Gnomes” ✧ PE18/040
  • ᴹQ. Ingolonde “Land of the Gnomes” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD; PE18/040
  • N. Angolonn “Land of the Gnomes” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • N. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • On. ngolodo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
    • N. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
  • ᴹT. golodo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


ÑGOL“wise, wisdom, be wise”


  • ŊGOLOD ✧ PE18/034; PE18/061; PE18/061
  • ŊGÓLODŌ ✧ PE18/040
Middle Primitive Elvish [Ety/ÑGOLOD; EtyAC/ÑGOL; PE18/034; PE18/040; PE18/061] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. gnome


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome”


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ PE19/036; PE19/058

Element in


  • ñgòlodṓ ✧ PE19/058
  • ŋgolǝdō ✧ PE21/33
  • ŋgoldō ✧ PE21/33
Middle Primitive Elvish [PE19/036; PE19/058; PE21/33] Group: Eldamo. Published by

Middle Telerin


noun. one of the wise folk, Gnome


  • ᴹQ. Noldo “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD


  • ᴹ√ÑGOLOD “one of the wise folk, Gnome” ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
Middle Telerin [Ety/ÑGOLOD] Group: Eldamo. Published by



noun. Gnome


noun. Gnome


adjective. Gnome


Golda“Gnome, wise one”


noun. Gnome

Early Noldorin


noun. Gnome, Deep-elf


  • (n)golodhgolodh “gnome” ✧ PE13/145


  • Eq. Noldo “Gnome” ✧ PE13/145


Element in


  • golodh ✧ PE13/145
  • (n)golodh ✧ PE13/145 ((n)golodh)
Early Noldorin [PE13/145; PE13/156; PE13/162] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. gnome


  • goltgoloth ✧ PE13/120


  • goloth ✧ PE13/120
  • golt ✧ PE13/121 (golt); PE13/123
Early Noldorin [PE13/120; PE13/121; PE13/123; PE15/62] Group: Eldamo. Published by


noun. gnome

Early Quenya


proper name. Gnome


  • ŇOLDOŇOLDO “goblin, gnome” ✧ QL/067


  • G. Golda “Gnome, wise one” ✧ GG/13; GL/41; LBI/Golda; LT1A/Noldoli; PE13/099; PE14/009
  • G. Goldothrim “People of the Gnomes” ✧ GL/32
  • En. Golodh “Gnome, Deep-elf” ✧ PE13/145
  • Et. goldo ✧ PE13/145



Element in


  • noldo ✧ GG/13; GL/41; PE13/145; PE14/009; PE15/72
  • Ňoldo ✧ PME/067
  • ŇOLDO ✧ QL/067; QL/067 (ŇOLDO)
Early Quenya [GG/13; GL/32; GL/41; LBI/Golda; LBI/Noldoli; LT1/021; LT1/050; LT1/162; LT1A/Noldoli; LT1I/Noldoli; LT1I/Noldor; LT2I/Noldoli; LT2I/Noldor; PE13/099; PE13/145; PE14/009; PE14/042; PE14/045; PE14/047; PE14/048; PE14/071; PE14/079; PE14/081; PE15/72; PME/067; QL/067; SM/013; SMI/Noldoli; WJI/Noldor] Group: Eldamo. Published by