-n (1) dative ending, originating as a reduced form of -nă "to", related to the allative ending -nna (VT49:14). Attested in nin, men, ten, enyalien, Erun, airefëan, tárin, yondon (q.v.) and also added to the English name Elaine (Elainen) in a book dedication to Elaine Griffiths (VT49:40). The longer dative ending -na is also attested in connection with some pronouns, such as sena, téna, véna (q.v.), also in the noun mariéna from márië "goodness" (PE17:59). Pl. -in (as in hínin, see hína), partitive pl. -lin, dual -nt (Plotz). The preposition ana (#1) is said to be used "when purely dative formula is required" (PE17:147), perhaps meaning that it can replace the dative ending, e.g. *ana Eru instead of Erun for "to God". In some of Tolkiens earlier material, the ending -n (or -en) expressed genitive rather than dative, but he later decided that the genitive ending was to be -o (cf. such a revision as Yénië Valinóren becoming Yénië Valinórëo, MR:200).
suffix. feminine ending; feminine patronymic, -daughter
- S. -ien “feminine ending” ✧ PE17/170
Element in
- -en ✧ PE17/170
- -ien ✧ PE17/170
to, at, upon
-nna "to, at, upon", allative ending, originating from -na "to" with fortified n, VT49:14. Attested in cilyanna, coraryanna, Endorenna, Elendilenna, númenórenna, parma-restalyanna, rénna, senna, tielyanna, q.v. If a noun ends in -n already, the ending -nna merges with it, as in Amanna, formenna, Elenna, númenna, rómenna as the allative forms of Aman, formen, elen, númen, rómen (q.v.). Plural -nnar in mannar, valannar, q.v.
-nya pronominal suffix, 1st person sg. possessive, "my" (VT49:16, 38, 48), e.g. tatanya "my daddy" (UT:191, VT48:17), meldonya "my [male] friend" (VT49:38), meldenya "my [female] friend" (Elaine inscription), omentienya "my meeting" (PE17:68), tyenya "my tye" (tye being an intimate form of "you"), used = "dear kinsman" (VT49:51, 56). This ending seems to prefer i as its connecting vowel where one is needed, cf. Anarinya "my sun" in LR:72, so also in hildinyar "my heirs". It was previously theorized by some that a final -ë would also be changed to -i- before -nya, but the example órenya "my heart [órë]" indicates that this is not the case (VT41:11).
suffix. my
Element in
suffix. adjectival suffix
This suffix is frequently used to create the adjective form of a noun, especially in the form -ëa for nouns ending in -ë. This function dates back to CE. ✶-ā.
- ✶-ā “adjectival”
Element in
- Q. airëa “holy (applied to persons)” ✧ PE17/149
- ᴺQ. aitalëa “reverent, worshipful, religious”
- Q. Aldëa “*Tuesday, Tree-day (Númenórean)”
- Q. amaurëa “dawn, early day, morning” ✧ MC/223
- Q. andúna “western”
- ᴺQ. aurëa “sunny, sunlit; *daytime”
- Q. endëa “middle”
- Q. eressëa “lonely” ✧ LotR/1116
- Q. fínëa “dexterous”
- Q. ilaurëa “*daily”
- Q. ilyarëa “*daily”
- Q. ilucara “omnificent” ✧ VT39/20
- Q. laurëa “golden (of hue)”
- Q. lillassëa “having many leaves”
- Q. lilótëa “having many flowers”
- Q. lómëa “shadowed, gloomy, shadowed, gloomy, *dusk-like”
- Q. mírëa “jewelled, jewelled, *gemmed”
- Q. nieninquëa “like a snowdrop” ✧ PE16/096
- Q. nöa “former; yesterday; tomorrow, yesterday; former, *previous; tomorrow”
- ᴺQ. nornolassëa “having oak-leaves”
- Q. núla “dark, occult, mysterious”
- Q. oialëa “eternal”
- Q. rávëa “roaring”
- Q. taurëa “forested”
- Q. túrëa “mighty, masterful, mighty, masterful, *having political power” ✧ PE17/115
- Q. úfanwëa “not veiled, unveiled”
- Q. úpahtëa “speechless”
- Q. vëa “seeming, apparent, seeming, apparent; [ᴱQ.] similar, like”
- Q. yaimëa “wailing”
to, towards
na (2) prep. "to, towards", possibly obsoleted by #1 above; for clarity writers may use the synonym ana instead (NĀ1). Originally, Tolkien glossed na as "at, by, near"; the new meaning entered together with the synonyms an, ana (VT45:36).
suffix. adjective suffix
- ✶-yā “present participle” ✧ PE17/068
Element in
- Q. Aldúya “*Tuesday, Day of the Two Trees”
- Q. Amanyar “Those of Aman”
- Q. Anarya “Sunday, (lit.) Sun-day”
- Q. apacenya “of foresight”
- Q. attalya “biped, *(lit.) two-footed”
- ᴺQ. cantalya “four-legged, quadruped, (lit.) four-footed”
- Q. -carya “doing” ✧ PE17/068
- Q. Eärenya “Sea-day, *Thursday”
- Q. elenya “adjective referring to the stars, *of the stars, stellar”
- Q. entya “central, middle”
- Q. firya “mortal; human, [ᴹQ.] human; [Q.] mortal”
- Q. Isilya “*Monday, Moon-day”
- Q. -matya “-eating” ✧ PE17/068
- Q. Menelya “*Wednesday, Heavens-day”
- Q. minya “first; eminent, prominent”
- Q. Narya “(Ring) of Fire”
- Q. Nenya “(Ring) of Water”
- ᴺQ. ruimenya “fireside, by the fire”
- Q. tatya “second”
- Q. tercenya “of insight”
- Q. Valanya “*Friday, Vala-day”
- Q. Vilya “(Ring) of Air”
Phonetic Developments
Development Stages Sources ✶-ı̯ā > -ya [-jā] > [-ja] ✧ PE17/068 Variations
- -ya ✧ PE17/068 (-ya)
ana (1) prep. "to" (VT49:35), "as preposition _ana _is used when purely _dative formula is required" (PE17:147), perhaps meaning that the preposition ana can be used instead of the dative ending -n (#1, q.v.) Also as prefix: ana- "to, towards" (NĀ1); an (q.v.) is used with this meaning in one source (PE17:127)_
Ilúvatar masc. name "All-father", God (SD:401, FS, IL; Ilúv-atar, ATA, Iluvatar with a short u, SD:346). Often in combination with the divine name as Eru Ilúvatar, "Eru Allfather", cf. MR:112. "Qenya" genitive Ilúvatáren "of Ilúvatar" in Fíriel's Song, LR:47 and SD:246, the genitive ending is -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya. Cf. the later genitive Ilúvataro in the phrase Híni Ilúvataro (see "Children of Ilúvatar" in the Silmarillion Index)
noun. base
ninya _possessive pron _occurring in Fíriel's Song, evidently meaning "my"; see indo-ninya. It may be derived from the dative form nin "for me" by adding the adjectival ending -ya. Compare menya, q.v.
base, root, root-word
sundo (þ) noun "base, root, root-word" (SUD), sc. a Quendian consonantal "base". According to VT46:16, Tolkien changed the root to STUD, thereby implying that sundo was earlier þundo (compare Sindarin thond "root"). PE18:95 gives the pl. form as sundur, seemingly implying a stem-form sundu-. It is not, however, used in the compound sundocarmë "base-structure" (PE18:84 not **sunducarmë), a term used in the description of the structure of the various Quendian "bases" or roots.
lord of the west
#númeheru noun "Lord of the West" (númë + heru), attested in these inflected forms: 1) númeheruen "of [the] Lord of the West" (Manwë) (SD:290); this is "Qenya" with genitive in -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya; 2) pl. númeheruvi "Lords-of-West" ("West-lords" = Valar) in SD:246.
base, foundation, root
talma noun "base, foundation, root" (TALAM), also translated "bottom" in the expression "top to bottom", see below.% Talmar Ambaren (place-name, *"Foundations of the World" - this is pre-classical "Qenya" with genitive in -en instead of -o as in LotR-style Quenya) (TALAM). Allative talmanna in the phrase telmello talmanna** "from hood to base**, top to bottom" _(VT46:18; notice misreading "telmanna" in the Etymologies as printed in LR, entry TEL-, TELU-)_
A feminine suffix common in Quenya names, in one place given as a feminine patronymic (PE17/170), though there are no attested Quenya names in which it was used that way.
Conceptual Development: In The Etymologies of the 1930s, ᴹQ. ien was given as a (suffixal?) variant of ᴹQ. yen(de) “daughter” (Ety/YŌ; EtyAC/YŌ), but again there are no actual names from this period using the suffix in that way.