Quenya 


do not thou lead us

úa, with 1st person suffix úalyë, imperative particle á, a combined with the negation ú- to express a prohibition (úalyë mittanya me, *"do not thou lead us", VT43:9, 21-22). However, Tolkien apparently abandoned úa in favour of ala, alalyë, q.v. (later he also used the form áva for "don't"). Compare ua.


verb. to not be, to not do

Element in


  • ua ✧ PE17/144
Quenya [PE17/144; VT43/21] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. not-, un-, in-

ú- (2) prefix "not-, un-, in-", denying presence or possession of thing or quality (VT39:14, UGU/UMU/VT46:20, GŪ, LT1:272), or simply suggesting something bad or immoral (see #úcar-, Úmaiar). Tolkien at one point considered redefining ú- as an element signifying "bad, uneasy, hard"; the already-published form únótima would then mean "difficult/impossible to count" rather than simply "uncountable" (VT42:33). However, Tolkien's very last word on the matter seems to be that ú- was to remain a mere negative (VT44:4). Compare úa, q.v. According to the Etymologies, the prefix ú- usually has a "bad sense", whereas according to early material u- (uv-, um-, un-) is a "mere negation" (UGU/UMU vs. VT42:32) According to a later source, ú- could be used as an uninflected verbal prefix, mainly in verse, but in a normal style the prefix was "verbalized" as ua-, q.v. (PE17:144). The stem Ū, as a negation, was accompanied by "pursed lips and shaking of the head" (PE17:145).


verb. to not be, to not do


  • UMU “not, expressing privation, not, expressing privation; [ᴹ√] negative stems” ✧ VT49/29
    • Ū “denial of fact, privation, negative element, denial of fact, privation, negative element, [ᴱ√] not”
  • ugu- ✧ VT49/29

Element in

Phonetic Developments

ū̆gu/gū > ū-[ugu-] > [uɣu-] > [ū-]✧ VT49/29
ū̆gu/gū > ui[ugi] > [uɣi] > [ui]✧ VT49/29
ugilme > uilme[ugilme] > [uɣilme] > [uilme]✧ VT49/29


  • ú ✧ VT49/13
  • ū- ✧ VT49/29 (ū-)
Quenya [PE17/068; PE22/152; VT49/13; VT49/29] Group: Eldamo. Published by


verb. to not be


  • laminlanye ✧ VT49/13


  • lā- “to not be” ✧ PE22/153; PE22/153; VT49/13
    • LA “no, not; negative; not to be” ✧ PE22/153
  • LA “no, not; negative; not to be” ✧ PE22/156; VT42/33; VT49/13

Element in

Phonetic Developments

> lanye[lanye]✧ PE22/153
lājā > laia[lājā] > [laijā] > [laija] > [laia]✧ PE22/153
(A)LA > lā-[lā-]✧ PE22/156
ala > [lā-]✧ VT42/33
ala > [lā-]✧ VT49/13
lājā > laia[lājā] > [laijā] > [laija] > [laia]✧ VT49/13


  • la ✧ PE22/154; VT43/22; VT49/15
  • lā- ✧ PE22/156
  • ✧ VT42/33; VT49/13; VT49/13
  • ✧ VT49/13
  • lamin ✧ VT49/13 (lamin)
Quenya [PE22/153; PE22/154; PE22/156; PE22/160; VT42/33; VT43/22; VT49/13; VT49/15] Group: Eldamo. Published by