up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount, up(wards); rise (up), go high, mount; [ᴹ√] high, [ᴱ√] steepness, rising
- ✶ōre “arising”
- ✶ornā “uprising, tall” ✧ PE17/112
- ✶ornē “(straight) tree” ✧ Let/426
- Q. ornë “(tall) tree, (tall) tree, [ᴹQ.] high isolated tree” ✧ Let/426
- S. eryn “wood, forest (of trees)” ✧ PE17/033; PE17/119
- S. orn “(tall straight) tree” ✧ Let/426; NM/349; UT/266
- ✶orta- “to rise, ascend” ✧ PE18/106; PE22/134
- ✶ortā- “to raise” ✧ PE18/089; PE18/106
- Q. orta- “to raise, cause to rise, lift (up)” ✧ PE22/159
- ✶orya- “to rise” ✧ PE22/134
- Q. orya- “to rise” ✧ PE22/157
- ᴺQ. oricon “heather”
- Q. oro “mount, mountain, hill” ✧ PE17/063
- ᴺQ. orosta “ascension”
- ᴺQ. orsa “upper, above”
- Q. orta- “to raise, cause to rise, lift (up)” ✧ Let/426; PE17/063; PE22/156
- Q. orta- “to rise” ✧ PE17/063
- Q. orto “mount, mountain, hill, [ᴹQ.] mountain-top; [Q.] mount, mountain” ✧ PE17/063
- Q. orya- “to rise” ✧ PE17/063; PE22/156; PE22/163
- S. orod “mountain” ✧ PE17/063
- ᴺS. orth “upper”
- ✶orta- “to rise, ascend” ✧ PE22/129
- √(S)RŌ “east”
- Q. oromar “lofty hall, high-mansion, high (lofty) dwelling” ✧ PE17/063
- ᴺQ. oroparmen “high school, university”
- ᴺQ. orpano “ridgepole”
- Q. rómen “east, uprising, sunrise” ✧ PE17/063
- OR/RO ✧ Let/426; NM/176; PE22/134
- OR/ORO ✧ PE17/063
- RŌ ✧ PE17/063; PE17/182
- OR/RŌ ✧ PE17/064; PE17/112; PE22/133
- OR/ORO/RŌ ✧ PE17/171
- or/ro ✧ PE18/088; VT48/25
- OR ✧ PE18/089; PE18/106; PE22/129; PE22/156; VT41/11; VT48/31 (
OR) - oro/ro ✧ PE22/163
- or- ✧ VT41/13
oro (1) noun "mount, mountain" (PE17:64), cf. Qenya oro noun "hill" (LT1:256; rather ambo in LotR-style Quenya, though #oro "mountain, hill" appears in Orocarni and orofarnë, q.v. [PE17:83], also with the meaning "high" in oromar, q.v.) Cf. oro- element "up, aloft" (PE17:64).